Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 12-16

Hereʻs the upcoming week at a glance *NOTE:  The students will be working on & finalizing their Portfolios this week for Student-Led Conferences on Nov. 20-21st, 3 will be on the afternoon of the 19th. Reports cards for Trimester #1 … Continue reading

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Keep Your Reading/Genre Goals in Sight for Trimester #2

Hi Kaʻu Iʻa, Just a friendly reminder as we begin our swim into the 2nd Trimester…Keep your self-selected reading goals of book completion in sight. Remember that 9 genres are required again for this trimester. We start fresh now…Swim Strong!

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Hāweo Awards for the Month of October

Hoʻomaikaʻi to Anela and Keegan! They are our 5B FISH! October Hāweo Awardees who represented all of us by always showing hoʻihi…respect to all that they encountered! This was the last month for the Hawaiian Value of hoʻihi. Beginning November, … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert: Christmas Child Donations Due This Week

Aloha e nå Haumåna a me nå Ohana, Just sending out a friendly reminder that all Christmas Child donations are due to class this week! The class decided that the girls would bring in donations for a girl and the … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 5-9

Aloha e nā Ohana, We officially begin Trimester #2!  Hereʻs a brief look at the upcoming week: Continue to work on IXL Math skills in L. Tues., Nov. 6-Day 3:  Mckenna is Keiki Alakaʻi.  Hāweo Award Luncheon~Hoʻomaikaʻi to Keegan and … Continue reading

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A Bootiful Day at Kula Haʻahaʻa

The 5B FISH! had a SPOOKtacular day! Dive into our FISH!bowl to see how the Girls and Ghouls spent Halloween! Mahalo to all our ohana who generously donated the wonderful treats to celebrate! Have a great night…be safe, have fun, … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Great Job for Attaining Genre Gold Status

Hoʻomaikaʻi to Tabitha and Davin who just completed their 9th genre today by presenting books. Remember that reading requirement is to read 9 genres EACH trimester…the students will be setting new goals for trimester #2 next week. Please discuss this … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Genres Galore…See Who Completed the 9 Genres for Tri. #1

E Kala Mai Ka’u I’a…I have the photo of the FISH! who swam into 9 genres on my laptop.  Unfortunately, I am working off of my iPad now.  Promise to post photo for everyone to celebrate upon my return to … Continue reading

Posted in Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments

Ohana Alert-Revised Student-Led Conference Confirmations

Attention Parents: Revised Student-Led Conference forms went home late last week for those who needed to be rescheduled. If you did not receive the half sheet from your child, please look in backpacks. 🙂

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Ohana Alert for Oct. 22-Nov. 2

  Here is the next two weeks at a glance… Donʻt forget to continue READING, completing vocabulary, & doing presentations…last day to qualify books for trimester #1 as discussed in class. Donʻt wait until Thursday to present, we can only … Continue reading

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