Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Come Hear the Angels Sing…

Kula Ha’aha’a’s annual Christmas concert is tomorrow!  Come join us to hear the angelic voices of the K-5 haumåna!  Concert begins at 6pm, but while you are waiting in line, feel free to help the Keiki choir in their fundraiser. … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for Dec. 9-13

Mon. Dec. 9-Day 3: Ekalesia today.  Please use dress whites to school.  The Pennies for Pauahi campaign continues, please help out those in need by donating your loose change. We will be completing the SBCP writing assessment today in class. … Continue reading

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A Day in the Life of FISH!

http:// Pheew…the month of November sure flew by!  Dive in and catch a glimpse of the last day of November for us in 5B!  We started with Trimester #1 Awards Assembly at Lunalilo Hale to honor many of our FISH!mates! … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 4 Comments

Ohana and Student Alert for the Week of Nov. 25-29

http:// Student Message for the Week of Nov. 25-29 from KSH Kula Ha’aha’a on Vimeo.   Students:  Click on the message above! Trying new ways to use Buddy Poke app on our blog…still have tons of learning to do, canʻt … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 24 Comments

Mahalo for Joining Us at Student Led Conferences

Mahalo to all our 5B ohana who joined us for our first Student-Led Conferences for the year!  It was wonderful to see all of you again.  The students did a fabulous job of creating and sharing their eprogressfolios!  The thought … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 24 Comments

Student Schedule for Conference Days

Hereʻs the studentsʻ schedule for Conference days on Thurs. and Fri. this week.  Created using Sticky Notes app

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things | 1 Comment

Attention Parents: Operation Christmas Child

Hi 5B Ohana, Just a friendly reminder that Operation Christmas Child donations are due this coming Wed., Nov. 20th to class.  We hope to fill a bunch of shoe boxes to koküa those less fortunate.  Example of items that would … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 18-22

http:// Hey Class…Itʻs great to be back in warm weather, donʻt think Iʻll ever complain about being cold in our class A/C or Hilo weather again! 🙂  I missed seeing snow fall (Mrs. Pai was there, Iʻll try to get … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Techie Things | 1 Comment


Hi 5B Parents, Just a friendly reminder…when you see the MAGENTA PINK TEXT in any of our class blog posts, it means a “call to action” for students.  It means that students are REQUIRED to post a comment.  To check if … Continue reading

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Hoʻomaikaʻi to Dayanee and Karl

What does it take to become a Hāweo Awardee this trimester?  Well, you surely need to be a responsible student as the Hawaiian value is kuleana.  Dayanee and Karl do a great job of turning in all work, but most … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 13 Comments