Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Ohana Alert: IXL Reminder

Aloha e nå haumåna, Just a friendly reminder that 7 IXL skills are due monthly! Noticed that many of you are forgetting.  IXL skill you work on are your choice.  We made agreement @ the beginning of the school year … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert: SL Conferences & Week of Nov. 14-18

Aloha 5B Ohana, Be on the lookout for Student Led Confirmation forms which were sent home today (Thurs., Nov. 10).  Forms should be in planners & backpacks!  A great majority received one of your choices, unfortunately, there were a couple … Continue reading

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Student-Led Conference Update…

TIME FLYING BY…Updated 11/2/16 Update for SL Conference sign up…All first thing in the morning and last times of the day are filled for both days.  I will try to honor your choices of day/time to meet, but if your … Continue reading

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Operation Christmas Child Donations

Aloha 5B Ohana, As part of our Papa ʻElima Project Kahiau 2016, the students and I hope to help keiki who are less fortunate then ourselves by making donations of small items of toys, games, toiletries, clothing, stuffed animals or … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Project Kahiau | 2 Comments

Oooohana Updates from Our 5B FISH!Booowl….

So much vuunnderful news going on in our classroom, wanted to be sure to share it all with Ooohana!  So booootiful to watch as students work hard both individually and tooogether!  Ok, all Halloween fun aside… As you all know, … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 4

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana, Hereʻs the scoops for the upcoming week! Mon., Oct. 31st-Day 6:  Students to bring your Halloween costumes to school to participate in annual Halloween parade!  See flyer that Kumu Marcie sent home for rules 🙂 … Continue reading

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Happenings of the Week…Ohana Alert for Week of Oct. 24-28

Wow!  Can you believe?  October and the 1st trimester is soon coming to an end!  Time is sure flying by…the old saying “Time sure flies when youʻre having fun!” Sure applies! Just wanted to take this time to send a … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 17-21

Aloha e nå 5B Ohana, Hope you had a wonderful week of making great memories together!  Just a friendly reminder to students…all book presentations are due Fri., Oct. 21st.  The 9 genre goal for the trimester w/vocab. and presentations should … Continue reading

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Ho’okipa for our Maori Cousins from Aotearoa

KSH K-12 haumåna ho’okipa cousins from across the ocean from Aotearoa on Friday!  The keiki got to share their welcome in oli by each division and watch an awa ceremony.  Everyone enjoyed a perfomance at Lunalilo Hale after the official … Continue reading

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What a Surprise! Papa ‘Elima on the News

Aloha 5B Ohana, The 5B FISH! were on KGMB News yesterday at 5pm…funny thing~the whole team, all 25 of us missed it.  Through the magic of the internet (how they found us), we found them! :). Here’s the link of Papa … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 2 Comments