Category Archives: Guest STUDENT Blogger :)

Guest Student Blogger – SOPHIA

Working Exit Outcomes Hi it’s Sophia! Lately I haven’t been as thankful for the privilege of attending Kamehameha as I would’ve liked. I know we are very blessed, so I decided to share the skills we are expected to leave … Continue reading

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Guest Student Blogger – TAYZIALYNN

This blog post is about hula. This is very important to me because it is apart of my culture.Hula is a cultural dance that hawaiians do. In school in hawaiian class and we learn how to do hula. Hula is … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 6 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – TY

We are so very excited to be quad blogging! This is my guests blog about the Ti leaf, hope you learn a few things about the ti leaf and I hope you enjoy it.  

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Sustainability, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 7 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – KAʻIANA

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. What you will see in this movie is a short story about paddling and the molokai hoe ( it’s a long distance race ) I will explain what it is and how it became … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – MARCHE

find out.ttp:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. A Puakenikeni is a flower that is white when it’s new and turns orange as it gets older. Did you ever wonder what a Puakenikeni is? If you are interested here is your … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Guest Student Blogger – LEHIA

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Long ago people reveal legends of the immense dragon like moʻo or lizards that roamed the land. Such as the giant moʻo of panaʻewa and the furious battle with the goddess Hiʻiakaikapoliopele which created … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Guest Student Blogger – BROCK

The 3 school wide rules and why they are important Be Safe (Palekana)- We can be safe by being aware of our surroundings and keeping an “eye” out for not only ourselves but others.  For example, if we were talking and … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

Guest Student Blogger XANDER

http:// Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. Today I would like to teach you about sharks. Sharks are very important to Hawaiians. Sharks are a part of the Hawaiian Ocean. If you would like to learn more aboutthe Hawaiian sea life, … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Writing | 2 Comments

Student Guest Blogger Xander

Give a shout out to Xander!  He has taken on the role of our student guest blogger today! Hi! My name is Xander and I am a 5th grader at Mrs. Ah Hee’s class. I love math! We are … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Math, Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

The FISH! Keep It Coming…Another Guest Student Blogger…

Hi I am a 5th grader in Mrs. Ah Hee’s class. My classmates and I are app smashing. We don’t smash the apps up into little bits, but we combine apps to make a big presentation. We recently did a … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments