Category Archives: Go TEAM!

Whoop! Whoop! Team Celebrations!

Congratulations Lehia and Sophia

  Hoʻomaikaʻi to Lehia and Sophia, our Hāweo Awardees for the month of September!  Both consistently show the Hawaiian value of Kuleana.  They take their school responsibility seriously and lead our team by example!  Job well done!  They got to … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Join Us for the Launch! We are in Countdown Mode!

It is an exciting time for the haumåna of Kula Ha’aha’a as we prepare for this historical moment!  We will be the first elementary division of our Tri-Campus to receive iPads K-5!  After months of planning and preparations, proposals, trainings … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 3 Comments

Hoʻomaikaʻi to our August Hāweo Awardees

Our 5B Class would like to send a huge Congratulations to Brock and Brianna, our Hāweo Awardees, the first of this school year.  Both recipients exhibit the highest level of kuleana.  They take their responsibilities of school, team, and leadership … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 2 Comments

Make Someoneʻs Day!

Aloha e nā Haumāna a me nā Ohana, What a glorious day today is!  As I arrived at school, this is what was there to greet me as I approached my classroom.  It made my day!!  It reminded me of … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Pilina | 4 Comments

Hoʻomaikaʻi to All Our Candidates and Our New Student Council Members!

Wiʻwoʻole…to be courageous, strong…that is what describes EVERY one of our FISH! candidates today!  The haumāna were risk-takers and hugely successful in my book!  Each of the students deserve a big Congrats for writing and sharing wonderful speeches today!  Iʻm … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 1 Comment

Bus Safety: FISH! Evacuate

Today was all about being safe!  The haumāna learned how to evacuate the bus properly.  The bus evacuation drill practice was for everyone since every student rides the bus.  Some ride it daily to and from our campus, but everyone … Continue reading

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Papa ʻElimaʻs Pilina Picnic

Hope this post finds you and your ohana having a relaxing weekend together!  The whole Papa ʻElima had a wonderful time at our Pilina Picnic this past Friday.  Everyone enjoyed time to eat yummy food from bentos, spring rolls, & … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 4 Comments

Meet the First Group of Math Marvels for the School Year

Hoʻomaikaʻi to the newest Math Marvels!  All students, at the end of last school year, came to Papa ʻElima for a brief orientation.  It was then shared that they needed to practice multiplication facts because multiplication would be the foundation … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Ohana Alert! | 2 Comments

The FISH! are Off and Swimming into the New School Year!

  Welcome e nā haumāna a me nā 5B Ohana!  I am so excited to have you join the 5B team!  It has been a wonderful start and I look forward to a great journey of learning, adventure, and amazement, … Continue reading

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A Hui Hou, San Antonio! The Hawaiians Have Left the Building!

We are all back in Hilo now!  What a great learning experience at ISTE…we learned so much and canʻt wait to put some of our new learning into action in our classrooms!  I canʻt wait till the iPads arrive! Check … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Uncategorized | 8 Comments