Category Archives: Go TEAM!

Whoop! Whoop! Team Celebrations!

Be A Ferocious Wolf! Be A Fearless Wolf! Be A Fierce Wolf!

The Wisdom of Wolves Movie. Wolves have gotten a bad rep!  People have targeted them as being wild, vicious, dangerous…yes, they may be all that, but a whole lot more.  Ever study wolves?  Look at it from their perspective.  You … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Techie Things, Writing | 24 Comments

Makahiki at Kula Haʻahaʻa

What a great day at Kula Haʻahaʻa…the students celebrated Makahiki after learning cultural protocol with Kumu Crabbe in Hawaiian class and all the fun Makahiki games that test strength and agility with Mrs. Lee in P.E. class.  Watch Papa ʻElima … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

A Taste of South Pacific

The students in grades 3-5 were privileged to watch the dress rehearsal of the musical “South Pacific” in the afternoon yesterday!  It was evident that the actors and actresses worked really hard to put on the show.  It will be … Continue reading

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FISH! Swim for Genre Gold!

After a whole trimester of exploring new genres and striving to read 9 different genres, I am proud to announce that 19 out of our 24 FISH! have attained Genre Gold status!  Thatʻs 79% of the class.  That is the … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 24 Comments

A Spooktacular Day for FISH!

  http:// Click on the video above to “catch” the happenings on this spooktacular day!  Hauʻoli lā heleuī (Happy Halloween) …have fun kiliki o  lapu (Trick or Treating), beware of the lapu (ghost), listen to your iʻaloa (mummy)…oops, not that … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM! | 3 Comments

Project Kahiau Reminder

Hi FISH! Philosophers Class #10, Just a gentle reminder to bring in those “Teddy Bears” for donation to the Hawaii County Police Dept. and MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our world!  As we discussed in class, the teddy bears will “ride” … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM! | 2 Comments

Launching Papa ʻElimaʻs Project Kahiau

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it reminds all of us how blessed we truly are to be a part of the Kamehameha Ohana.  We are the beneficiaries of Ke Aliʻi Pauahiʻs Vision for her people.  Our campus is definitely … Continue reading

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More Genre Gold Club Members!

Congrats to Sarah, Kylan, & Wallace for joining the Genre Gold Club by completing the 9 genre requirement for this trimester!  Knew you could do it!  The students continue to strive, or should I say “swim” towards their reading goals! … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments

Meet our First MILLIONAIRE!

Meet our first MILLIONAIRE for this school year!  Great Job, Sophia! Way back in August when I first shared that our goal for the year was to read one million words, I received all kinds of looks!  Sophia gave me … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 15 Comments

Meet the Newest Genre Gold Inductees

Great job guys!  Meet our newest inductees into our Genre Gold Club!  The boys, Suli, Brock, and Karl have reached our team genre goal of completing their 9th genre for the trimester.  It can be done if we continue to … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments