Category Archives: FISH! Food For Thought

Thought Questions

FISH! Food for Thought #4: “10 Rules of Goal Setting”

Goals. As the year has brought all of us to the doorstep of Trimester #2 (In math terms-1/3 of the year has gone by), Iʻd like you to ponder, reflect, and self-evaluate.  What can we do to continue to learn, … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought | 25 Comments

FISH! Food for Thought #3: Manaʻo o ka pule (Thought of the Week)

The thought of the week at Mondayʻs piko was “E Onipaʻa i ka imi naʻauao…(To be steadfast in seeking knowledge) Kumu Crabbe also shared a scripture & I shared some examples of steadfast with you. Share your manaʻo on what … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Uncategorized | 23 Comments

FISH! Food for Thought #2: What Can People Learn From Geese?

Pulling Together. Click on the link above to watch a short, inspiring video on Geese. Many people feel that human beings are the smartest on our planet, but after watching this video, do you feel the same? Learning can be … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Uncategorized | 25 Comments

FISH! Food for Thought #1-Got Values?

As you know, our class had a mini makeover of sorts during our Fall break. Weʻll return this coming week to freshly-painted, beautiful walls! Blank, but beautiful walls!  As we prepared to put our class back together once the walls … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Uncategorized | 22 Comments

Calling ALL I’a…”Techies” Wanted!

Hi Ka’u I’a…Past and Present…Ohana welcome too! After getting a couple of recommendations for apps to use on the iPad from students (Kahuwai, a current FISH! & Pomai, a 6th Gr. FISH!) I started thinking…hmmm, ” I wonder what apps … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Go TEAM!, Uncategorized | 14 Comments

FISH! Food for Thought #1: Wolves & FISH!- Teamwork Kaʻu Iʻa, This is the 1st of many “FISH! Food for Thought” posting that you will see throughout the year. This is for you to ponder, make connections from yourself to the posting and respond to it. Your response … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought | 30 Comments

Update From the “Sandbox”

Here’s a snippet of an email that I received from Uncle Paul last night… Tell your keiki’s and to you a big mahalo for the care packs. I didn’t expect the second round of goodies and too my surprise, the … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Go TEAM! | 1 Comment

Project Kahiau…Half Way Around the World

As you know, the 5th Grade students and Ministry students were on a mission to “change the world, one heart at a time!” They sent letters of mahalo and goodies of Kisses candies and Macnut treats to the soldiers “Warriors” … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 26 Comments

FISH! Food for Thought:

Here is another poem for you to enjoy! I got it from the “Simple Truth Newsletter” One Choice One… One tree can start a forest, One smile can begin a friendship, One hand can lift a soul, One word can … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought | 42 Comments

FISH! on Huaka’i

The 5th Graders went on a huaka’i to the Palace Theater to watch the movie, “Big Miracle.” It was a great movie focused on how a whole community joins together to help an ohana of whales trapped in the ice. … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 22 Comments