Guest Student Blogger – BRIANNA

Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo.

If you would like to read about the Goddess Pele, you can click on this link.
Today I would like to teach you about Pele. Pele is very important to our culture. Pele is important to our culture because she made all the Hawaiian islands. If she was never a Goddess,we would not be here today. If you want to learn about her, then tap on the video above. And if you would like to read about the goddess, you can tap on this link. This teaches you a little more about Pele.

Peles father gave Pele a egg. She wrapped the egg in a skirt. Soon, there was a little girl. Pele named her, Hi’iaka-I-ka-poli-o-Pele. After her sister was born she was sent to her older brother, the god of the shark. He prepped the conoe, or boat, o go to kuai-he-lani. To see the full legend, click this link:

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