Guest Student Blogger – BROCK


The 3 school wide rules and why they are important

Be Safe (Palekana)-

We can be safe by being aware of our surroundings and keeping an “eye” out for not only ourselves but others.  For example, if we were talking and making a lot of noise we wouldn’t be able to hear Aunty B over the microphone warning us of a lock down and we could be in danger.  It is important to be present and aware of your surroundings so that we do our part to be safe.

Be Responsible (Kuleana)-

We can be responsible in the classroom by taking care of our business every morning, such as turning in your homework, asking the teacher for help with any assignment and by resetting your iPad every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  It is important to be responsible because then your teacher and friends know that they can rely on you and you set a good example for others to follow.

Be Respectful (Hō’ihi)-

To be respectful at school you should show your undivided attention to the speaker so when the speaker is talking, make sure that you are focused and not drifting off in your thoughts. Another way to be respectful is to not talk at the same time as your teacher because then you won’t hear the directions and then your work won’t be your best!

If you can demonstrate these three concepts of palekana, kuleana and hō’ihi then you are one step closer to becoming good and industrious men and women!

If you put your mind to it, YOU can do anything! Mind over matter.

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