The FISH! Keep It Coming…Another Guest Student Blogger…

Apps Kaili loves to SMASH!

Apps Kaili loves to SMASH!

Hi I am a 5th grader in Mrs. Ah Hee’s class. My classmates and I are app smashing. We don’t smash the apps up into little bits, but we combine apps to make a big presentation. We recently did a project named Project Kahiau. This was inspired by Laura Schroff’s book, An Invisible Thread. In this project we had to choose something that would help the community. I chose to do a beach clean up. We had to app smash at least two times. The main app was Keynote. Some apps that we used was Pic Collage, IMovie,and Budy Poke. App smashing is something that we do every day, we want to be epic app smashers. Why don’t you try to create something and app smash. Try something new, HAVE FUN!

With Aloha,

Great job Kaili! You did wonderfully as a

Student Guest Blogger!

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