Ohana Alert for the Week of March 4-8

The Beauty of Hilo Hanakahi

The Beauty of Hilo Hanakahi

Hereʻs the week at a glance:
Mon. Mar. 4-Day 6: Substitute in class today. I am off island at a meeting.  Homework: Read 30 mins., Watch video of Hilo Hanakahi post and bring in your answers on Tuesday.
Tues., Mar. 5-Day 1: Hāweo Award Luncheon for February…Congrats to Koa Reis and Tatum Rose
Wed., Mar. 6-Day 2: Christian Ed today
Thur. & Fri., Mar. 7-8: Student Led Conferences…Students will be sharing their successes with you!
Heads up for the following week: Mon., Mar. 11-Day 3: 2nd Trimester Awards Assembly at Lunalilo Hale.
Have a great week!

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