“Flipped Learning”…What is That?

Hi Students…
This is a friendly reminder that you are to read the article in the Hawaii-Tribune Herald’s front page titled, “Flipped Learning” class model excites teachers. As we began our discussions in class about what is “flipped” learning, we discussed many ideas of what it actually was…”posters upside-down” in Dr. Seuss style to not having a schedule, & having students do what they want, when they want. Our imagination went wild!
After our discussions went on, we found all of guesses not to be true. We found that “flipped” meant learning new concepts at home with the help of technology & video lecture tools and practice to be done in class. Wow, that’s surely is flipped. We usually learn new things first in class then practice at home. We jotted down our pros and cons after much discussion time in our teams, of being “flipped” and will continue to discuss and add to our lists tomorrow, after you read the article tonight to gain more insight. Can’t wait to discuss this further with all of you. Bring in your newspaper, IF your ohana already read it! Have a great evening! 🙂 Yes, Keegan, you can count it as PART of your 30 minute reading time! Only a PART! 🙂

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