Happenings of the Week…Ohana Alert for Week of Oct. 24-28

Wow!  Can you believe?  October and the 1st trimester is soon coming to an end!  Time is sure flying by…the old saying “Time sure flies when youʻre having fun!” Sure applies! Just wanted to take this time to send a MAHALO NUI to ohana for allowing me to partner with you and to share in the wonderful learning journey that “our” keiki are on this year!  I so appreciate all of your support & my hope is that our class blog will allow you to “dive in” to the learning, laughter, information, and much fun we have during our days together!!  This week our class blog received over 1,000+ hits from all over the world!  See our blog counter to see from where!  The red dots indicate where people are viewing our class blog from!  5B FISH! are global-contributors!  Helping to make the world a better place, one heart at a time!

Mon., Oct.24~Day 2:  Genre Book presentations due today! Students received bonus weekend due to a meeting that I attended 🙂  Students will finalize discussion on Halloween celebration!

Tues., Oct. 25~ Day 3:  8:00am Founderʻs Day Tryouts for those who are interested.

Thurs., Oct. 27~ Day 5:  Trimester #1 Officially in the memory books!  Ends today!  Birthday celebration for our October babies!

Fri., Oct. 28:  NO SCHOOL, Faculty Work Day 🙂  Enjoy long weekend to build priceless ohana memories!

Heads Up!  Mon., Oct. 31~ Day 6:  Halloween parade @ 12:20pm today!  Bring your costumes to school and TWO CANNED GOODS to donate to Hawaiʻi Island Food Bank.  Flyers were sent home w/keiki last week, please follow guidelines so we can have a “BOO”tiful day together!  Halloween celebration today too!  Keiki will be able to share how they have planned for food and fun with you 🙂 


Our Big brothers and Sister (C/O 2017 Seniors~Aidan included) represented our KSH kula well in BIIF bowling individuals tourney in Kona over the weekend too.  KSH Boys Bowling team took the BIIF championships and will be off to Oʻahu soon!  Hoʻomaikaʻi!  Always with aloha and always pono!

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