Hip, Hip, Hooray! Here comes another MILLIONAIRE! Congrats to Kaylee…She was one of the few who actually cheered when the million word goal was announced! She loves all the choices of brand new books we have in class and the whole lot of genres too! Her fave, Harry Potter of course! Great job, Kaylee…keep on swimming strong to your next goal of 2 million!
Heads up for an Exciting last week before Founder’s Day and Christmas Break: Students will be having a holiday potluck celebration on Thurs., Dec. 17 and Friday is early release day.
Mon., Dec. 14-Day 2: Sugar Cone and Paper Plate donations due in class
Tues., Dec. 15-Day 3: Secret Santa gifts brought to class today 🙂 Don’t forget to label only the TO: and stick a candy bar to tell a story about your person 🙂
Thurs., Dec. 17-Day 4: Founder’s Day rehearsal at Koa’ia Gym…please try not to be tardy to school today as we will be walking up to the high school to practice. It’s birthday celebration during lunch for all our Dec. babies! We have our 5B End of the Year (2015) Holiday potluck Bash!
Fri., Dec. 18: Founder’s Day. Ceremony begins at 9:00am. DRESS WHITES MANDATORY! Please wear your “best” white shirt and skirt/slacks. Please have hair pulled back and neat for the girls and boys short according to the handbook. Please no jewelry or jackets. This is our opportunity to honor and mahalo Ke Ali’i Pauahi, let’s do our part! Early release at 11:15am