Ohana Alert for the Week of April 14-18

Certificates sent to us from Aunty Laura Schroff...Best-Selling Author of "An Invisible Thread"

Certificates sent to us from Aunty Laura Schroff…New York Times Best-Selling Author of “An Invisible Thread”

Hereʻs the week at a glance…

Mon., April 14-Day 3:  Easter Convocation at Lunalilo Hale @ 8:00am. Donʻt forget MANDATORY dress white attire!  Uniform reminders will be issued.

Tues., April 15-Day 4: Poem in Your Pocket Day…Have a poem in your pocket!  If someone taps you on the shoulder, read it to them!

Wed., April 16-Day 5:  Substitute in class…Iʻm going to Minecraft training!

Thurs., April 17:  HAVE A GREAT LONG WEEKEND!  NO SCHOOL…KS Tech Slam!  Some of the students will be sharing their tech talents along with Ms. Richardson and I!


Spring Concert

Spring Concert Flower Children Groovinʻ to the Sounds of the Beatles!

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