Guest Student Blogger – MAHINA

Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Kamehameha’s mother was a princes on maui and the day that Kamehameha was born,the kings wanted to kill him because they knew that soon he would become king. They knew that he would be king because legend tells that when a baby is born under a comment that he would concer all the kings. The kings sent people to look for him and kill him. Many legends have come from Kamehameha and all of them has helped him threw his ways as a king. Like the legend the law of the splintered paddle. The legend of the splintered paddle is about a commoner that walks on a path and Kamehameha is walking to and Kamehameha acts like he is all that and says that this is my land and picked a fight with the commener. The commoner takes a paddle and hits Kamehameha not realizing it was him and the paddle breaks. Kamehameha then learned that every person has their own rights.

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