Guest Student Blogger – LEHIA


Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Long ago people reveal legends of the immense dragon like moʻo or lizards that roamed the land. Such as the giant moʻo of panaʻewa and the furious battle with the goddess Hiʻiakaikapoliopele which created the place Panaewa. The voluminous moʻo kuna and his encounter with the powerful demigod Maui which created the place boiling pots. The boy Liko and his great escape from the moʻo Kaikapu on the island Kauaʻi which created a blowhole. These dragons over time died out one by one and got smaller and smaller. Some say that they may still roam, but beyond sight from humankind.

To see these legends go to:

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