Play and Pay It Forward…Sharing Mana’o with Ohana Trivia

Like a flower…The keiki have bloomed this year!

Aloha e nā Haumāna a me nā ‘Ohana,
As we prepare for the 5th Grade play to take the stage, we would like to share with you the many months of hard work that went into this performance…I’m certain that the students can add more trivia questions for you on their own also! Keep track of your points, let us know how you did. 🙂 Each question worth 1 point, Good luck! Your keiki is the walking, talking, cheering answer key to this post!
1) When was Lili’u Kamakaeha born?
2) Who were her parents? Hanai Parents?
3) Name her faithful attendant that cared for her during her early years.
4) Lili’u went to the Royal School for Chiefs’ children at what age?
5) Name two subjects that she studied at the Royal School.
6) Name the subject that she loved.
7) When did our last Queen, Queen Lili’uokalani ascend the throne?
8) Why did she ascend the throne?
9) Why did she want to rewrite the Constitution once Queen?
10) Who were the people who were against a new constitution and why were they against it?
11) Queen Lili’uokalani was overthrown on?
12) Why did she not order her people to physically fight?
13) What is the story/meaning behind Kaulana Na Pua?
OK…here are some questions to give you a chance to wipe the beads of perspiration off your brow 🙂 In class, the students and I discuss how we like to get our brain cells ablaze! I’m certain, your brain cells are blazing hot now!
14) What was Lili’uokalani’s reigning color?
15) What was her flower?
BONUS+: Ask your keiki about how Queen Lili’uokalani led her people by example to be E ‘Onipa’a. I am sure you will be beaming with pride as to the answers you receive! (The BONUS- get a chance to learn about what goes on in our 5B fishbowl, an opportunity to share quality time together, & get FREE hug (prize) from your keiki for a job well done! Hope to see you all on Thursday, March 29th at 8:30am as we try to breathe Hā into our research! Have a great day! A huge MAHALO for all your continued support throughout this year so far!

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