A Hui Hou- Guidance With Mr. Kudo

Since the onset of school way back in August, Mr. Kudo has come to our 5B fishbowl to teach us guidance lessons every other Day 2.  We have learned a lot about making good choices, bullying, & friendships throughout the months.  Mr. Kudo will soon be teaching the lower elementary students, but wanted to leave us with one last FISH! food for thought…to perserve!  To ho’omau no matter what, not to be a quitter when it comes to school.  Here are some photos of the FISH! working on a task that they needed to perserve!  Standing all 5 pennies on its side.  Take a look at the way the team kept on trying no matter how many times the pennies fell.  They cheered on and supported one another and tried not shake desks as they worked together!

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