“Changing Our World” – One Heart at a Time!

Simple Truths – We Hope You Enjoyed the movie!.

11/15/11 @ 7:00pm ATTENTION STUDENTS:   14 students who have posted a comment so far will receive FULL credit for this assignment up until Kyden’s comment.  (I gave all of you a day and a half grace period, including time during mornings and recess).  10 Students missing work, grade will be negatively impacted.  (anyone posting after Kyden).

During our daily Morning Meetings in class, the students and I share many of our thoughts, our wonders & our feelings on many different topics.  The topics can range from what we personally like to do on our free time, to how we can improve on completing our reading genres, what we could do to make recess more enjoyable, sharing our successes or struggles in math, and even how we personally could contribute to Ke Ali’i Pauahi’s vision for the Hawaiian people.  During this time, EVERYONE participates, shares, & listens respectfully.  Everyone has a voice!

In one of our meetings, Chianti shared her thoughts on how we could promote Princess Pauahi’s vision for her people…she said, “WE can change the world!”  This has become our team mantra now and we refer back and reflect often on what we are doing and how it contributes to changing our world.  Click on the video link above, make a personal connection to your surroundings in the classroom, at school, at work, etc…and join us as we strive to change the world!

Students and Ohana members:  Share your thoughts on how you can make a difference or your thoughts on the video.

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