Hi Ka’u I’a,
After carefully reading your comments & listening to what you share in class over the past month, I have an idea that I think can help us to make our blog even better. At times, I get a comment about our learning that doesn’t quite fit into a particular post or a question that you may have about our homework, or an issue that you may have, or just want to share an inspiration that was triggered from one of our posting. I want to ensure that you get an answer or have a space to share your mana’o…How about I put a posting up where you can do just that. If you have a question that is on homework, or a comment about how the day went or a thought you had about a particular lesson or an inspiration that you’d like to share, do it on this post! I’ll post this every week so your weekly thoughts can be shared. We can discuss it in class to see what you think OR you can reply to this post by clicking on the comment bar.
16 Responses to Questions, Comments, Issues, or Inspirations…