Writer’s Workshop :)

Hi Ka’u I’a,

In the upcoming days, we will be working on Persuasive writing in class.  (per·sua·sive)


Definition:  having the ability to cause another to do or believe something.a persuasive persona persuasive argument

similar words:



Begin to think of a persuasive topic that you would like to write about.  Here’s some “Fish Food for Thought” (ideas).  It could be personal, where you persuade your ohana to extend your bedtime for a particular night, get a new puppy, or sleep over at a friend’s house.  It could be school related, where you persuade Mrs. Naeole-Wong for more recess time, Kumu Kanani to purchase a particular book, or even Uncle Bruce at the dining hall to bring back a special lunch.  It could even be community related, where you write to persuade Mayor Kenoi to create more parks for children or fixing up a particular park (my sons’ always say they need to write to ask for lights at Walter Victor Park so they can continue practicing when the sunsets) …Of course, you are not limited to the above ideas.  I always find my students have much better ideas than I do!

Think about what you are passionate about.  Brainstorm a list of persuasive topics that you’d really like to see happen in the future.  Talk with your ohana, it may be a topic that your whole ohana feels passionate about.  We will be discussing this writing genre in class so bring in your ideas!  If you can’t think of any, I’m sure having a discussion with the team will help to plant a seed!  A writing seed!  Share a persuasive writing idea in our comments, you could be helping to plant that writing seed for a teammate.

I’m sure ohana will love to know what is upcoming in class, share…let’s all dive into the fishbowl together!

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