Po’akahi 10/17/22 – Day 6
**Kickoff to “Give with Pauahi” Week (aka Pennies for Pauahi) 10/17 – 10/26
As we celebrate our Ke ‘Ali’i Pauahi we are reminded of all the things to be thankful for. Haumāna are encouraged to “give with Pauahi” as they reflect on what they are thankful for!
Donations can be dropped off at the bus ramp every morning during this campaign week.
Afterschool practices: Robotics, Nā Hoa Mele
- ʻUlana Lauhala parent workshop. Attendees had to RSVP to attend
Po’alua 10/18/22 – Day 1
After school practices: Robotics, Kani Le’a, NLOK
- P2 Pilina ‘Ohana breakfast
- ‘Aha ‘Ōpio student leaders decorate dining hall for Pauahi Week
Po’akolu 10/19/22 – K1
- Save First Deposit Day (7am-7:40am)
- Give with Pauahi (aka Pennies for Pauahi) 7am – 7:40am
- K-5 chapel 8am at WCLC
- KB Huaka’i
Po’ahā 10/20/22 – D2
- Give with Pauahi campaign 7a-7:40a
- P2 Pilina ‘ohana Breakfast 7a-7:40a
- 1A huaka’i
After school practices: NLOK
Po’alima 10/21/22 – D3
Aloha Wear Day: haumāna are allowed to dress in their aloha attire. jeans are acceptable, no tears or rips, dresses, skirts, shorts MUST be no more than 2″ above the knee. no spaghetti straps. MUST be aloha print, Local designer wear. *All floral prints does NOT necessarily mean itʻs Aloha wear.
Give with Pauahi campaign 7a-7:40a
1B huaka’i
Po’aono 10/22/22 (Saturday)
ES Robotics competition at Hā’aeamahi DH 8:30a-1pm.