Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kēkēmapa 17 – 19, 2018

Kēkēmapa 17 – 19, 2018

12/17/18  Monday  – Day 6

Hauʻoli Poʻakahi!

Gr. 4: Gingerbread House making ʻohana activity; check in at the front office if attending.

12/18/18 Tuesday – Day 1

Hauʻoli Poʻalua!

10 – 11am Founder’s Day Rehearsal @ Koaiʻa Gymnasium

12/19/18 Wednesday 

Hauʻoli Poʻakolu!

7:10AM – 7:40AM  Save First Program Deposit Day; in front of Admin. office.

9am Founder’s Day @ Koaiʻa (HS Gymnasium); Please have keiki dressed in Special Attire – Whites.

  • Boys: navy blue pants & white polo shirts & belts. Kindergarten students are exempt from using belts.  Girls: navy blue skirts & white polo shirts.  Footwear for all should be Athletic shoes with socks. Please refer to handbook page 25 & 26 for more detailed information.

11:15am Early Release;  all bus routes will be operating.  There will be NO A+ program, please make arrangements for keiki to go home when school ends at 11:15am.

12/20/18 – 1/4/19  WINTER BREAK:  Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou!



Kēkēmapa 10 – 14, 2018

Kēkēmapa 10-14, 2018

12/10/18 Monday – Day 2

Hauʻoli Poʻakahi!

12/11/18 – Tuesday – Day 3

Hauʻoli Poʻalua!

12/12/18 – Wednesday

Hauʻoli Poʻakolu!

8am: Chapel; keiki are to wear Dress White attire;

  •  Boys: navy blue pants & white polo shirts & belts. Kindergarten students are exempt from using belts.  Girls: navy blue skirts & white polo shirts.  Footwear for all should be Athletic shoes with socks. Please refer to handbook page 25 & 26 for more detailed information.

Gr. 3 – Huakaʻi – dress in E Ola Nō! tshirts & jeans (per kumu letter home)

Gr. K – Huakaʻi – Christmas attire (per kumu letter home)

12/13/18 – Thursday – Day 4

Hauʻoli Poʻahā!

Gr. 1 Huakaʻi

Gr. 3 Kahiau Project Presentation

12/14/18 – Friday – Day 5

Hauʻoli Poʻalima!

Aloha Wear Day: keiki have the option to wear Aloha attire; refer to handbook pages 25 – 26 for detailed information.

ES Robotics Team Competition

Kēkēmapa 8, 2018 – Saturday

KSH ES Robotics Team Competition at Hilo Intermediate

If any one is interested in Robotics, please go & support our Elementary Robotics team at the Robotics competition at Hilo Intermediate School.  Saturday, 12/8/18.  Robot action starts at 10am and is open to anyone who is interested.   Come cheer them on or check it out if you have a minute, they’ll be thrilled by your support!



Kēkēmapa 3-8, 2018

12/3/18 Monday – Day 4

Hauʻoli Poʻakahi!

12/4/18 – Tuesday Day 5

Hauʻoli Poʻalua!

12/5/18 – Wednesday 

7:10am – 7:40am  Save First Program – FIRST DEPOSIT DAY; GRADES K-2

  • Deposit will be made at KSH Elementary Administration Office Lānai
  • Student will make deposit to Credit Union Financial Officers in the AM ONLY

8am: Christmas Concert Rehearsal

12/6/18 – Thursday Day 6

Hauʻoli Poʻahā!

12/7/18 – Friday Day 1

ES Christmas Concert at Hāʻaeamahi Dining Hall

  •     5:30pm – Doors Open
  •     6:00pm – Program Begins

Nowemapa 26-30, 2018

11/26/18 Monday – Day 6

Hauʻoli Poʻakahi!

11/27/18 Tuesday – Day 1

Pilina ʻOhana Luncheon – Invited Gr. 5 ‘ohana

11/28/18 Wednesday

Papa ʻEkolu Huakaʻi:  Wailoa Art Center

11/29/18 Thursday – Day 2

Hau’oli Poʻahā!

11/30/18 Friday – Day 3

ALOHA WEAR DAY:  Proper attire guidelines are as follows (noted on pg. 25 & 26 in Parent/Student Handbook)


  • Aloha attire is island wear, same as May Day attire.
  • Pants and shorts must be tailored (jeans are acceptable)
  • Collared aloha shirt (if shirt is tucked in, a belt MUST be worn)
  • Athletic Shoes


  • Aloha attire is island wear, same as May Day attire.
  • Pants and shorts must be tailored (tailored jeans are acceptable)
  • NO spaghetti straps or halter tops (straps must be two inches wide or more)
  • NO tight-fitting dresses
  • Shorts or skirt length must NOT be shorter than 2 inches above the knee while standing
  • Sandals or shoes are permitted and heels should NOT exceed 1 1/2 inches. Sandals MUST have a back strap.

Papa ʻEhā Huakaʻi: Keauhou Bird Conservation Center


Nowemapa 19-23, 2018

11/19/18 Monday – Day 4

Hauʻoli Poʻalua!

11/20/18 Tuesday – Day 5

Pilina ʻOhana Luncheon – invited 5th grade ʻohana.

Report Cards go home with keiki.  Please check their planners.

11/21/18 Wednesday

8am – 8:40am   K-5 Chapel at Lunalilo Hale

10am – 10:50am   1st Trimester Celebration at Lunalilo Hale

11am – 11:50am  Gr. 5 ‘Ohana Gathering & Lunch Pilina  (Gr. 5 ONLY)

11:45am  Check in for Lā ʻImi Naʻauao ʻOhana Engagement

12pm – 1pm     Classroom Session:  meet with your child’s kumu to hear all about our student goals & receive tips & strategies on how you can support them to meet these goals this year!

1:10pm – 1:40pm    Parent Workshop Sessions :                                                                                                                                    Session #1 Post Secondary Planning & Financial Education – Dining Hall                                             Session #2 Cyber Parenting – CRBLC Main Floor

11/22/18 Thursday – HAPPY THANKSGIVING – – NO SCHOOL




Nowemapa 5 – 9, 2018

11/5/18 Monday – Day 5

Operation Christmas Child will take place this week (11/5-11/9); Each class will be collecting items to fill 4 boxes; 2 – girls, 2 – boys.  Boxes will be collected on Friday, 11/9.

If your ʻohana would like to fill your own box, contact Kumu Nikki at 982-0268 for packing, labeling & shipping cost instructions.

11/6/18 Tuesday – Day 6

Pilina ʻOhana Luncheon – Gr. 5 Invited ʻohana

11/7/18 Wednesday

Gr. K – 2 Participate in Makahiki at HS campus

11/8/18 Thursday – Day 1

11/9/18 Friday – Day 2

Gr. 3-5 Makahiki


11/12 – Veteran’s Day Holiday – No School

11/15 & 11/16: K-5 Student Led Conferences

11/15-11/17: Hairspray Musical @ WCLC

ʻOkakopa 29 – Nowemapa 2, 2018

10/30 Day 2

Pilina ʻOhana Luncheon – Gr. 4B Invited ʻohana

10/31 Wednesday

Hauʻoli Lā Heleuī!

K-5 Annual Halloween Parade; haumāna can bring their costume to school & will be changing after lunch.  See flyer that was sent home for more info.

11/1 Day 3

Gr. 3 Huakaʻi: HVNP

11:05am-11:50am   ʻAha ʻŌpio Officer Meeting; collect canned food from Halloween drive

11/2 Day 4

Gr. 2 Huakaʻi: Onekahakaha

**Pennies for Pauahi Campaign continues!!  Mahalo for your contribution.


ʻOkakopa 22 – 26, 2018

10/22 Day 4

7:45am:  Pennies for Pauahi Campaign Kick-Off:  ʻAha ʻŌpio Treasurer, ʻEleu Awong (5B) will kick-off our P4P campaign at wā piko.  Campaign will run through April 30, 2019.  We will have monthly updates & a chart showing the progress to our goal.  You can participate by sending your child to school with coins to fill their class containers.

11:05am:  Lunch Activity ~ In celebration of the kick-off of Pennies for Pauahi & in anticipation of the end of 1st Trimester & Halloween, ʻAha Ōpio is sponsoring a lunch activity with all of our keiki.  Ask your keiki about this activity Monday afternoon!

10/23 Day 5

Gr. 5 on Huakaʻi all day

Pilina ʻOhana Luncheon – Gr. 4B Invited ʻohana

10/24 – Wednesday

Kindergarten: on Huakaʻi

Gr. 1: on Huakaʻi

10/25 Day 6

Aloha Wear Day: All students have the option to use Aloha attire; please see handbook for specific guidelines

October Birthday Celebration during lunch

**First Trimester Ends

5:30pm – PTO ʻOhana Night @ Hāʻaeamahi Dining Hall




ʻOkakopa 1 – 6, 2018

10/1 Day 3

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs w/bacon bits & steamed rice; chilled fruits, milk/water

Lunch: Beef Macaroni Casserole; green beans; Portuguese Bean Soup, sandwich, chilled fruits; milk/water

3B – PE Swim Day


10/2 Day 4

Breakfast: Cold cereal, banana bread, chilled fruits; milk/water

Lunch: Pork & Peas, Steamed rice, Vegetable stir-fry, sandwich, chilled fruits; milk/water

Pilina ‘Ohana Luncheon for invited 4A ‘ohana

4A – PE Swim Day

10/3 – Wednesday

Breakfast: Fried Rice, Chilled fruits; milk/water

Lunch: Ham & Cheese Sandwich, potato chips, sandwich, chilled fruits; milk/water

10am – 10:50am:  Music Ed. Service @ WCLC

10/4 Day 5

Breakfast: Oatmeal, Toast w/jam, chilled fruits; milk/water

Lunch: Chicken Fajita, Spanish Rice, refried beans, sandwich, chilled fruits; milk/water

5A – PE Swim Day

Gr. 3 – Huaka’i

10/5 Day 6

Breakfast: Country Hash, Scramble Eggs, Chilled fruits, milk/water

Lunch: Beef Stew, Steamed rice, macaroni salad, pickled onion, sandwich, chilled fruits; milk/water

Gr. 2 Huakaʻi

***FALL BREAK BEGINS:  10/6 – 10/14:  NO SCHOOL;  Have a fun & safe Fall Intercession! see you back at school on Tuesday, 10/16!*****