**All dress days are optional! If student chooses to not participate in dress day, then student must be in school uniform dress code.
**Everyone who purchased the Pink Pauahi Wristbands can wear the bands all week!
**Pennies for Pauahi Campaign all week! Drop off your pennies at the Front office on the Lānai. Competition is between classrooms by WEIGHT!
10/14/19 – Poʻakahi (Monday) – K-5 FACULTY IN-SERVICE NO SCHOOL
10/15/19 Poʻalua (Tuesday) lā ʻaono (Day 6)
Red Out Dress Day; In honor of Ke Aliʻi Pauahi’s favorite flower, the Red Rose; K-12 will have the option to dress in RED! Participation is Optional! Student must be in uniform dress code if NOT participating.
Dress Guidelines:
- School bottoms (shorts/pants/skort) w/ Red shirt/blouse. Athletic shoes w/socks. Shirts do not have to be tucked in & belts are not required.
Acceptable: red socks, red shoes, red hair accessories (for girls)
Not Acceptable: slippers, sandals, tights, leggings, tank tops, spaghetti straps or halter tops
10/16/19 Poʻakolu (Wednesday)
Blue/white School Spirit Dress Day; Show your school spirit & wear your Kamehameha Schools spirit wear. **NOT ʻŌiwi Edge shirts
Dress Guidelines: KS spirit wear or Blue & White apparel. Athletic shoes w/socks. Shirts do not have to be tucked in & belts are not required .
Acceptable: KS Spirit apparel, blue and/or white apparel; blue denim jeans or shorts, blue/white hair accessories (for girls);
Not Acceptable: shorts or skirts that are 2″ above the knees when standing; tank tops, spaghetti straps or halter tops, slippers, sandals, tights or leggings.
7:10A – 7:40A Save First DEPOSIT DAY – GR. 3-5; Pauahi Lani Nui Lānai
8am – K-5 Chapel
10/17/19 Poʻaha (Thursday) lā ʻekahi (Day 1)
Pink Out For Pauahi Dress Day: Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Dress Guidelines:
- School bottoms (shorts/pants/skort) w/ Pink shirt/blouse. Athletic shoes w/socks. Shirts do not have to be tucked in & belts are not required.
Acceptable: Pink socks, pink shoes, pink hair accessories (for girls)
Not Acceptable: slippers, sandals, tights, leggings, tank tops, spaghetti straps or halter tops
Papa ʻEkahi – Huakaʻi
Papa ʻElima – Con Trio presentation at HS
10/18/19 Poʻalima (Friday) lā ʻelua (Day 2)
K-12 Walk for Pauahi
Dress Day: ʻŌiwi Edge t-shirt w/school shorts; athletic shoes w/socks