10 Replies to “September 2-5, 2008”

  1. 1. KMS laptop rollout / training.
    2. iCan Cafe planning mtg. w/ Nalani Naluai.
    3. KES orientation for Lynne Horiuchi.

  2. 1. Assist w/7th Grade Rollout
    2. Attend High School 1:1 Kick-Off Mtg.
    3. Attend 7th Grade Team Mtgs. to Formally Introduce Alan and Nate

  3. 1. Assist w/KMS 1:1 Rollout
    2. Attend HS 1:1 Kickoff Mtg
    3. Provide Tech Support for Podcasting – L.Duffy & L.Evensen, Marine Science.

  4. 1. Podcasting Project Help – Marine Science
    2. ITMD Pilot Project – Develop surveys, mtgs w/Chandell and Tina
    3. MLP – Meeting with A/P

  5. 1. Attended High School 1:1 Kick-Off Mtg.

    2. Assisted L. Duffy w/Podcast for Marine Science project.

    3. Follow up mtg. w/ Dick Mills on his Polaris project for Library.

  6. 1. Create Handouts: Blackboard Users using Windows Vista – Active X settings – HS: Jeff Canion
    2. ITMD Meeting with Mimi – Prepare Surveys for Hawaii Campus
    3. Pre-Assessment Survey – HS: Nelson Wong’s Team 9b

  7. 1. 7th Grade Rollout
    2. Podcast Training with Team Teachers in Social Studies Department, Jimmy Chun and Kalehua Simeona
    3. Curriculum and Project Development-Jimmy Chun and Kalehua Simeona

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