Infographics for Teaching and Learning

This post includes the resources discussed at the Infographics for Teaching and Learning Workshop.


Integrating Infographics Blog Posts from Educators

Using Infographics for Teaching and Learning
Sarah Gretter describes the benefits of using infographics and tips for getting started.

Inventing Infographics: Visual Literacy Meets Written Content
Brett Vogelsinger shares the process he went through to integrate infographics in his class.  He share ideas he used for getting started, a nice template resource, and student samples.

A Primer On Infographics in The Classroom
Pamela Rossow shares the elements of an infographic and how infographics can be used to promote literacy.

Infographics as a Creative Assessment
Kathy Schrock share an abundance of Infographic resources.  A robust rubric can be found here as well as a full recorded presentation on Infographics.

Using Google Drawing to Create Infographics
Google Drawing is a great tool to use to create infographics.  In this post, Alice Keeler explains how.

Infographic Creation Tools
Google Drawing

I personally like to use Keynote to create infographics.  Tutorial on how I do it will be coming soon.

Image and Icon Resources

Pixabay is my favorite free image resource because all the images are in Public Domain. When you search, skip the sponsored images and scroll down to the free images. Notice you can search by color, size, type, etc. similarly to Google Images.

Google Images
Use the search tools > usage rights > labeled for reuse.  I also like searching by color and type.

Icon Finder
This is a great source for icons.  The only bummer is the paid ones are really cute so one tends to gravitate to them, but this site has a nice bank of free icons to use.
Because I use Keynote to create graphics, I like to use the icon fonts in  I keep a key of the fonts in a folder on my desktop to refer to.  I explain it in this video, but I will create one that demonstrates how I use it soon.

What are our favorite resources for creating visuals?

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