***Please scroll through the entire page for all pertinent information. Mahalo!***
Summer Session:
All Grade Levels
Please monitor your child’s progress using KS Connect.
Round 1 and Round 2 of Math Mastery Tests occur for all students in their math classes. If your child opts to take the test the third time, he/she needs to take it in Room 1104 (Mr. De Mattos’ room) before school, during recess, or after school. Your child is allowed to take the test a maximum of three (3) times.
Sixth Grade
7th Grade
Round 2 for Mrs. Berryman:
Boys in Periods 1 and 3: Monday, 9/23
Boys in Periods 4 and 6: Tuesday, 9/24
Girls in Periods 4 and 6: Thursday, 9/26
Girls in Periods 1 and 3: Friday, 9/27
8th Grade
All Grade Levels
Round 1 and Round 2 of Math Mastery Tests occur for all students in their math classes. If your child opts to take the test the third time, he/she needs to take it in Room 1104 (Mr. De Mattos’ room) before school, during recess, or after school. Your child is allowed to take the test a maximum of three (3) times.