Service Kuleana

Aloha e ka Papa 2013!

Mahalo for your service project proposals. For the most part, I upheld your requests. If you scroll down & discover that your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choices were not approved, please know that I spoke with your contact point & came to one or more of these conclusions: 1) there was not enough work for everyone (in other words, the organization could not accommodate the size of the homerooms), 2) the service did not receive proper approval by the appropriate individuals/agencies, 3) the location was a liability for Kamehameha, and/or 4) the service was not supplemented with reputable volunteers or staff from a non-profit organization.

Due to transportation logistics, 1 or 2 homeroom pairings were changed. For example, if your homeroom will be going to Kāne‘ohe, you may have been paired with another homeroom doing a different service project nearby that was not previously paired with you. Mahalo for your understanding as we seek to maximize cost efficiency with chartering buses.

Homeroom Kumu & Representatives, I will be sending out communication next week to help you prepare for Senior Service Day moving forward. Please check your emails daily for updates.

Finally, I understand that there are many details that need to be worked out: i.e. drop-off & pick-up times for Leeward & North Shore service sites, updated homeroom counts for lunch, waiver forms, etc. Please be patient as we are in the process of coordinating all of these things. As logistics firm-up, we will be sure to communicate those updates in a timely manner.

Mahalo nui iā ‘oukou a pau for coming together in the spirit of kahiau. Without your kōkua, we would not be able to accomplish this awesome endeavor!

I mua!

Kumu Kale


Hanauma Bay Education Program: Kauka & Fale

Hawaiian 6 Imu Preparation: Makanani (Papa Liuliu)

Hawaiian Humane Society: Del Prado

HPD Kalihi Weed & Seed: Cabral

Hui Kū Maoli Ola: Ae‘a

H3 Native Hawaiian Garden: Aizaki & Okimoto

Ka‘ena Cultural Practice Project: Wilhelm & Little

Kahana Valley: Kimokeo & Grach

Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi: Mercado & Ako

Keiki O Ka ‘Āina: Fontaine & Burbridge

Lyon Arboretum: Becker & Dong

Mālama Maunalua: Ernst & Ho

Papahana Kuaola: Matsuda & Trinidad
(note: Papahana Kuaola is the non-profit arm of Hui Kū Maoli Ola. Because we have 3 homerooms going to the same site, we are balancing kuleana under a separate title).

Punalu‘u Lo‘i: Perkins & Vinta

Waikalua Loko Fish Pond: Hutchison


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