Category Archives: Social Studies

Santa Fe

Well, it’s Monday and I’m up early as usual!😆 It is colder today at 21 degrees out!  Do I miss shorts and slippers! How are we doing you ask, the secret…layers! Still wearing tank top,but buried deep under at least … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

5B FISH! Go On Huaka’i to the Lokoi’a

Wow!  What a fabulous day!…Papa ‘Elima went on huaka’i to the Waiaåhole lokoi’a and participated in 4 stations of learning today!  In station #1, everyone participated in giving back & learned how to be great servant leaders by clearing away … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Sustainability | Tagged , , | 25 Comments

Wonderopolis: Wonder # 1324 Click on the link above to read all about the Lost Colony.

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#TheGreatListen-Hawaiian Style

**Updated 11/12/15:  Click on comment button below to see student mana’o! As you might already know, students were asked to record a conversation on the topic “Is Education Important?”  Students worked hard to create follow up questions and practice their … Continue reading

Posted in Pilina, Social Studies, Techie Things | Tagged | 24 Comments

Monday Word of the Day…Antipode

Here’s a new word for Monday, ka’u i’a!  ANTIPODE… Take a “CLOSE” look at the infographic above, really observe!…What do you notice?  Ask yourself some question as inquiry is the first step in understanding 🙂  “Na maka hohonu”…use your deepest … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Techie Things, Writing | Tagged , | 24 Comments

Look What Has Landed!

With the multitude of rain nowadays…so much Johnny rainclouds, here’s another perspective!  Makawalu!  Love that Kaulana shared this photo with me from his ranch!  He shared that the flock live there and that he and his ohana make sure that … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Sustainability | 2 Comments

Makawalu: Looking Through Multiple Lenses…

After extensive research from multiple perspectives (Makawalu) on the topic that is currently impacting our wahi pana of building/not building the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, read the article from Wonderopolis  as an additional resource.   What information would … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Parent Survey: Makawalu

Aloha e nå 5B Ohana, Please share your mana’o on our 5th grade capstone project below by taking this short survey.  Don’t forget to hit submit at the end…Mahalo for your continued support! Loading…

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 1 Comment

Wonder of the Day: April 7 Click on the link above to read all about hieroglyphs, don’t forget to check out the vocabulary words.  Once you have closely read the Wonder of the Day passage, answer the question below by adding your thoughts on the … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Social Studies, Writing | Tagged | 2 Comments

Makawalu: Papa ‘Elima’s Annual Capstone Project

The students have been working extremely hard at getting their presentations ready for our big day!  Our annual capstone project: Makawalu is happening this week.  Ohana is cordially invited to join us on Thurs., April 9th at 1:15-2:15pm to be … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Social Studies, Uncategorized, Writing | Tagged | Leave a comment