Aloha e nå Haumåna a me nå Ohana,
The school year has officially come to a close, I hope you are all enjoying your ohana time together as you begin to relax on this first day of summer! It was a glorious year that went by much too fast. Mahalo to the ohana of the 5B FISH! Philosophers for all your support throughout this school year to make a great learning experience for “our” children! It truly takes a team (no “I” in Team) that helped each and everyone of the students to strive to thrive this year!
If you’re tired of your child playing the Ho’oulu slideshow over and over…here’s the hope loa (final) video of a memorable year together where the Kula Ha’aha’a book ends and the Kula Waena one opens…
In class all alone…miss all of you already! And…It’s freezing! You all know what I mean! 😉 Thank you very much for all the sweet & thoughtful notes and gifts…I love it all!
A Hui Hou Ka’u I’a,
Målama Pono, Continue to let YOUR light shine bright, & SWIM STRONG!
Mrs. Ah Hee
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