Fall is here! Itʻs the last week before Fall Break with so much to do :). The trimester is quickly coming to a close…donʻt forget that 9 genres are due by Fri., Oct. 20th…READ! READ! READ! Presentations need to be completed by last day to count! Plan ahead and donʻt wait for the last day!
Hereʻs the week at a glance: A great conversation starter this week to have with keiki: What genre is your favorite? Why? How many books have you already presented? What part of a book did you connect with? What made the book one that youʻd recommend or not recommend? Who is your favorite author? What makes that author a good one to you?
Mon., Oct. 2-Day 3: Table 1 & 2 Girls to have lunch w/Dr. Werner
Tues., Oct. 3-Day 4: Morning meeting w/Mr. Kudo
Wed., Oct. 4-Table 3 & 4 Girls to have lunch w/Dr. Werner
Heads Up: Students have been asking about requirements for Halloween costumes…Please follow school rules, but feel free to be as creative as you like! Have fun! :).