REMINDER: PLEASE BRING INQUIRY TABLET TO CLASS DAILY. Students will be given daily class time to work on, build, create, & finalize all projects for Makawalu, including differentiated techie projects for K-2, 2-4, ohana. If you’d like to bring artifacts to work on in class, you will have time 🙂
Mon., Apr. 10~Day 3: Ekalesia today. Dress whites mandatory… Students will be sharing what their artifact is and connections to essential question and costume.
Tues., Apr. 11~Day 4:
Wed., Apr. 12~Day 5: Complete finalized Artifacts due in class today…
Thurs., Apr. 13~Day 6: Spring concert tonight!
Fri., Apr. 14~NO SCHOOL! Good Friday! Happy Easter!
HEADS UP: All costumes due in class on MON., APR. 17th :).
5B Ohana: In preparation for Papa ‘Elima’s Capstone project: Makawalu: Ocean’s Apart…Facing Change, please download the I-nigma app on your smart device (phones or ipad or tablets, etc.). It is a free app in the app stores. This will allow you the “full” experience!
One Response to Ohana Alert for the Week of April 10-14: Makawalu is Coming!