Mon., Mar. 6~Day 5: Library time today, don’t forget library books to avoid fines. Students will begin writing assignment on US History topic today…please bring notes to class! Students will be graded on previous notes requirements today!
Tues., Mar, 7~Day 6: Ekalesia @8am @ Lunalilo Hale. Dress whites mandatory! REPORT CARDS GO HOME TODAY! Please be on the lookout for it in backpacks! The envelope & report card analysis would need to be signed and returned to class. Report cards are for you to keep.
Wed., Mar. 8~Day 1: US History writing drafts due today!
Student Led Conferences on Thurs. & Fri., Mar. 9-10. Conferences will be held in our classroom!
Heads up for Mon., Mar. 13~Day 2: 5B goes on huaka’i. Lunch is needed…please pack a home lunch w/a drink.
March Math Madness in 5B! Reviewing by ordering #s in teams!
3 Responses to Ohana Alert for Week of Mar.6-10