Wow! Seems like the year just began…Student-led Conferences for trimester #1 is in the history books and we’re so close to the Thanksgiving holidays! Can you believe it?
I send out a mahalo nui to Ohana 5B for your unwavering support to help “our” keiki thrive! The students so appreciated the intense listening, the many words of encouragement, the joint strategizing & offerings of assistance, and the tons of hugs and kisses as they reflected on their learning and progress made in the first trimester! Students took deep breaths, calmed their nerves, and “swam strong” to share their strengths & areas of need in core content areas, their adoption of growth mindset, on being FISH! philosophers, reflections on behavior, how teamwork is a positive force in class & so much more!
Here’s the week at a glance, as we all prepare for the holidays! Just a friendly reminder, if you see magenta…it is a call to students~action required & if you see blue, Ohana notification 🙂 Hope the color coding is a good visual 🙂
Mon., Nov. 21~Day 6: Sub will be in class today, all Gr. 3-5 teachers will be at a math training on campus.
Tues., Nov. 22~Day 1: Thanksgiving Ekalesia today…please wear mandatory dress whites!
Wed., Nov. 23~Day 2: E Ola No t-shirt your school spirit & wear your t-shirts. 1st Trimester awards assembly today @ 8:00am in Ha’aeamahi Dining Hall. “A Taste of Thanksgiving” Pa’ina today. Mahalo in advance for your donations of potluck dishes. **NOTE: Please be on the lookout for our High schoolers who are participating in their annual Biathlon today while driving on and off campus! The sophmores will be biking and running, please give way as they ho’omau through the course on campus!! 🙂
No school on Thurs. & Fri! Enjoy Ohana time for the Thanksgiving Holiday! I AM SO THANKFUL for having the opportunity to learn and grow with all of you! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!