Mon., Sept. 19-Day 1: Swimming today, don’t forget your clothes! Ekalesia today…dress whites mandatory.
Tues., Sept. 20-Day 2: It’s picture-taking day today :).
Wed., Sept. 21-Day 3: Pinwheels for Peace
Thurs., Sept. 22-Day 4: Special Guest Speakers in Class -Project Kuleana Uncles!
Fri., Sept. 23-Day 5: No Specials Today
The students and I have been discussing in class how EVERY voice is important! How we value mana’o being shared by all! Be on the lookout in planners beginning Tues., Sept. 20 for individual progress on how we honor each others voices in class. Please sign this progress sheets daily…along with planners 🙂 Mahalo for your partnership as we “swim strong” together!
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