Great job students for being the first group of FISH! to make it into the Genre Gold Club! The students have been “swimming strong” to meet their 9 genre goal this trimester and it sure paid off! Hulali, Alisha, Kaelum, Kaylee, Kamakani, Siddalee, Kehau, & Braelyn took the challenge of reading 9 genres in a trimester and have all met or exceeded this goal…with a week and a half to spare! Many had an idea of what their favorite “go to” genre was when the school year began. Many only read titles from that one genre, but after choosing books of different genres, they now share that they have new favorites or more than one favorite. Students have been busy making great book recommendations to each other (almost 1/2 of the class read “The Fourteenth Goldfish” because a friend recommended it), books are being passed around, shared, discussed….making this teacher smile from ear to ear! Who doesn’t love it when students love reading! A sign of a team w/pilina on its way to GREATNESS! Keep on reading ka’u i’a! Dive back into our FISH!bowl to see more inducted into the Genre Gold Club for trimester #1!
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