Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday! The jingle bells just got closer! Its December and the excitement of the season begins…15 school days until we pay tribute to Ke Ali’i Pauahi on Founder’s Day! That means the mad dash begins to complete & turn in assignments, complete IXL skills by the 18th, and document your Project Kahiau during this season of giving! As Kaimi would say, “start your engines, rev those motors, & cut a good green light!” Time to roll!
Mon., Dec. 1-Day 3: “Pennies for Pauahi” campaign begins…all friendly donations are used to provide a preschool keiki an opportunity to attend. Please køkua, any amount would be greatly appreciated!
Tues., Dec. 2-Day 4: Aha ‘Opio rep meeting today with Kumu Marcie.
Wed., Dec. 3-Day 5: EARLY RELEASE DAY for Students. School ends at 1:30pm! Please make necessary arrangements the night before!!
Fri., Dec. 5-Day 1: Christmas Concert @ 6:00pm. Students are to report at 5:30pm to class…no early birds as there will be NO SUPERVISION.
IXL skills that you may select from for this VERY SHORT month: O.1-O.9 (dividing fractions) and H.1-H.16 (division)…you may also work on any skills from last month that you did not master as great practice! Don’t forget to continue to read, read, read!