Guest Student Blogger – SOPHIA


Working Exit Outcomes

Hi it’s Sophia! Lately I haven’t been as thankful for the privilege of attending Kamehameha as I would’ve liked. I know we are very blessed, so I decided to share the skills we are expected to leave this school with. There are so many deep and lovely skills and values that we are supposed to have, and I know understand and better appreciate that Kamehameha Schools takes the time to teach us these values and skills.


WEO (Working Exit Outcomes) are the skills and values that students at Kamehameha schools are expected to graduate with. If you are a student at Kamehameha Schools the WEO are skills and values that you will leave the kula (school) with. The WEO are made up of Ōlelo noʻeau. An Ōlelo noʻeau is a wise and ancient Hawaiian saying that was passed down from generation to generation orally. Ōlelo noʻeau are wise sayings that help to teach, motivate, and guide us as we get older. The WEO include Ke Ao Hoʻōulu (Growth), Ke Ao Pilina (Relationships), Ke Ao Lani, Ke Ao Honua (Global), and Ke Ao Imi Naʻauao (Knowledge and Wisdom). The WEO are set up so that there are main topics and indicators aka outcomes, with each Ōlelo noʻeau as a sub-topic to better break down and explain the skill. Ōlelo noʻeau have literal translations, and then poetic meanings. The WEO have slightly different meanings to us, and the white words are what we feel we should get out of the Ōlelo noʻeau. Above is a ‘map’ to help better explain the WEO and how it’s set up.


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