Tag Archives: Google Tourbuilder

Google Tour Builder – #TTTidbit

This week’s Tuesday Tech Tidbit (#TTTidbit) is using Google Tour Builder.  Google Tour Builder is a Google Earth Plugin that allows you to add images, videos, and text to google earth.  But reading about it just doesn’t demonstrate just how cool this tool actually is.  Here are some examples you should check out:

Seriously.  How cool is that?  Google tour builder is such an awesome tool that both teachers and students can use to share their work.  Speaking of sharing…people always want to know if the tours are public or private.  The tours are shared just like a Google Doc so that’s up to the person creating the tour.  You choose to keep it private or share it with the world.

Can you imagine?  Using Tour Builder to map the migration of the Polynesians?  Or how about a tour of an Ahupua’a including its irrigation and lowland and upland elements?  Studying World History?  Create a tour of the American’s attack on the Nazis.

I’m actually looking at buying a new house so I created a tour of all of the houses I want to look at, included pictures and pros and cons of each house and was able to share the tour with my family.  It was a fun way to get started learning the tool and now I’m hooked!  Hey, this might be an awesome tool for Real Estate Agents…

Our #TTTidbit face to face session will actually be next Monday in Kainoa’s room at 3:00.  If you’re interested in learning more, hope to see you there or just let me know when a good time to meet is.

If you’re reading this blog and have used Google Tour Builder as a teacher or had your students use it, I would love if you would share your projects!  Or, if you have any ideas for a tour, leave me a comment!

Happy Tuesday!
