Feeling Fishy?

April 24th, 2012 by tinakamo

Look at these pictures that Mrs. Kutsunai took when we visited the Waikiki Aquarium last week. Tell us about the experience. What did you see? What did you learn? What surprised you? What do you wonder about?

Posted in General Discussion, Science | 30 Comments »

30 Responses

  1. Kainani Says:

    I wonder how they got all the animals their? I learned about the Noutles about how they use their sill for jolry, I feel like they are killing these animals to get money, and soon they are going to be exstint.

  2. Ethan Says:

    I saw a seal and a sea urchin. I learned that people use the nautiles for jelry. What suprised me was that there was big sharks there.I wonder why the man was in the moi tank was doing.

  3. Bella Says:

    Last week our class went to the Waikiki aquarium.I saw a HUGE grouper.It was bigger then some sharks!I learned that some hermit
    crabs are losing there shells because were picking it up!I was surprised when I saw that the octapus was that small!I wonder how they got all the sea creaters in the aquarium.

  4. Kawena Says:

    I wonder how they got the coral to the Waikiki Aquarium? what suprisd me the most was the big grupers they wer biger then most sharks. I learnd that Ho’ailona the monk seal was rescued on the shors of kau’i she is 3 years old and so cuet!!! We saw a sea urchin and it was huging my finger!!

  5. Raymi Says:

    I wunder haw thay got the coral?

  6. Jaya Says:

    Last week my class went to the aquarium. I learned that sea hores don’t always keep their tales curld up! I even saw a munk seal I had a fintastic time at the aquarium!!! I wonder how they got the munk seal?

  7. Jordyn Says:

    I learned that the english name for humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua`a is the reef triggerfish.I saw a chambered nautilus. I wonder how long can a baby seal stay under water.experinence:I touched the sea urchin. It wrapped around my finger.

  8. Erihana Says:

    I saw a tank of jellyfish. I wonder how they got the jellyfish without the jellyfish stinging them? I think it was cool that I got to see things that I never got to see like a seacucumber, a seaergine, a humuhumunukunukuapua`a( a reef triger fish) At the end when we where going to go back to school at the exit there
    was the giant clam shell. Aunty Quinn (our leader)(Raymi’s mom) told us if you touch coral it dies. So I wonder how they got the coral in the aquareum.

  9. Kainani Says:

    Ethan I think that some people are not thinking about what is around them,I think they are not being pono.

  10. Ethan Says:

    Kainani I like your comet my favorite is when you talked about the nautilus and jewlry

  11. Kainani Says:

    Raymi I think you had a grate wondering I like it!

  12. Kainani Says:

    Raymi I like it because I wonder that to I also want to know if it is hevy.

  13. jordyn Says:

    Raymi: why do you wonder how they got the coral. did someone tell you about it.or did you read about it in a book.because it think it is cool that you thout about it or read about it in book.

  14. Erihana Says:

    Hey Jaya, I know right, I thought seahorses always had there tail curled up.

  15. Nadia Says:

    Erihana I wonder how they get the jelly fish to. But I think this is how they got it they have a net and they go on a boat and go where they can get jelly fish. Then they see a jelly fish then pick it up with the net. Without getting stinged and have a big space then bring it back to the aquarium.

  16. Ethan Says:

    Erihana, I saw the jellyfish tank to. I like when you talked about how they got the jellyfish with out getting stinged

  17. Bella Says:

    Erihana I think your comment a lot.
    I liked when you talked about the
    jellyfish.I wonder the same thing
    about the jelly fish.

  18. Jaya Says:

    Bella, I agree, those groupers were HUGE. And they were bigger than some sharks! And I also agree I don’t see very much shells at the beach I know some people are picking up shells, cause one of them is my sister!

  19. Brensen Says:

    I wonder how thay got the corol in the aquarium.I leaned if you toch corol it dise.I saw Ho`alona he is a hawaiian munkseal he is 3 years old.

  20. Raymi Says:

    I wonder how the grupers groue
    so dig.It was cool haw thay
    fawn Ho’ailona on the shours of
    Molokai.I pick up a lat of thos
    sea uichins.

  21. Pono Says:

    I wonder if Ho` ailona is a girl or a boy. I learned that if a hermit crab stays out of water for a minute it could die.I saw a plastic big clam.What suprised me was when I got to hold the hermit crab.

  22. kala Says:

    KAINANI I like your comment my favorite part is when you talked about the nautilus and jewlry.

  23. Daniel Says:

    When looked at the nautilus at frist I didn’t know what it was until I asked Anuty Quinn what it was and she said it’s a nautilus. I learned that if you touch coul it will die. What I hered was people catch nautilus and make jewlry.

  24. Hailey Says:

    When we went to the Waikiki Aquarium we got to touch sea- urchins. And I learn that if you hold a hermit crab’s can die in ten seconds. And we where playing tag-your-it with a sea seal named Ho’ailona.

  25. Noa Says:

    I wonder how they got the coral a hawaiian monk seal I learnd that ho’ailona had cataracts in his eye and I did not know that was sad.

  26. keola Says:

    Wen we got to the aquarium wen we
    got in we sow a fish and shorcks
    and we sow a dig lopstr we sow a
    stor fish and aliv conro.we sow
    a homohmoopop it wus fast.we sow a
    now seilo the nanm is Hoailona!and
    a fufrfish.

  27. Ka'ena Says:

    I wonder how old a jellyfish can live up to? My gesus was 23. My experience was I got to see animals that I thought never knew existed. I learned that if you touch coral it dies. I wonder how long a hawaiian monk seal can stay under water?

  28. Keali'ikupono Says:

    I think it was really fun because I saw some sea animals that I have never seen before. I saw a hawaiian monk seal there was 2 one called maka and the other one called ho’ailona.I learned nautilus was for jewlry.How long can a seal hold it`s breth under water.

  29. Raymi Says:

    ke’ena I hope you are feling o.k.

  30. Memphis Says:

    HI mattison I’m in table 5

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