Trash (posted by Sarah)

April 19th, 2011 by tinakamo


You guys remember we watched a movie in science class about trash? What did you learn? Do you think trash is important or not? If you think trash is important why? And if you don’t think trash is important why not?

Posted in General Discussion, Science | 21 Comments »

21 Responses

  1. Taylor Says:

    Well I do not think we need trash but you will at lest throw away something. But there are ways that we can keep from making a lot of trash like making a compost like we did in science. I do not think we need trash because trash hurts animals and the world.

  2. shayni Says:

    I learned that when you make trash it goes to a landfill then people buried the trash some where. They put the trash in the ground then put dirt then they do it again so there’s no trash every where. I think trash is important because you can reuse it and recycle it. For example you had a water bottle and you drank all the water all and you can reuse it by putting more water in the water bottle. You can also recycle cans and plastic bottles then they burn news papers.

  3. Pono Says:

    I learned that they got the trash and burned it for electricity and the trash in landfills take WAY longer to break apart and like disappear. I think that trash IS NOT IMPORTANT because if there was never trash everything would be better and the land wouldn’t be taken away and nothing would be affected by trash at all like how trash is affecting us right now but, if there wasn’t nature trash then nature wouldn’t be able to grow because nature trash rots away, then it’s nutrients go into the ground to help a new plant grow.

  4. Kamuela Says:

    I learned that if you have a plastic bag and throw it away its going to take a long time to evaporate. I don’t really think trash is important cause its just taking up space and I don’t want in my backyard! or anywhere around where I live so that when I wouldn’t smell trash in the morning. Or when I have a party so everybody won’t leave cause that would be no fun at all.

  5. Joshua Says:

    Yes. I learned that if we reuse and recycle we will not have that much trash and there wont be that many landfills and it will not take much of our land.I think trash important. Because of the trash it is taking some of our land.

  6. Kainani Says:

    I learned that some trash that we thought took a long time to disintegrate didn’t take a long time to! I think trash if important because is we never learned about trash, we could end up thinking trash is something else and end up in a world buried in trash! (No, seriously, that could happen! 🙁 ).

  7. Trey Says:

    I learned that a plastic bag would incenagrate in 1,000 years. I think that trash is impotant because you can sometimes rececle trash like water battoles. I also learned that the staue of libety would desinangrate in 1,000,000 years.

  8. kana'i Says:

    That you cant make sum thing into nothing.I think trash is important because if you leave trash on the ground you can kill a animal like in the picture I bet there are more then 23 sea animals that died.

  9. Sarah Says:

    I remember we wathched a movie about Trash. I learned that you can recycle some trash but not all trash. I think trash is important why because you can recycle some trash and recycling trash is good and some trash is not important because you can not recycle some trash.

  10. Jolie Says:

    We learned that trash decomposes. Trash is important because it makes fertilizer for our plants and helps them grow. Sometimes trash is not important or useful because it causes pollution.

  11. Austin Says:

    I learned that when you burn down a piece of paper it dosen’t decintagrate all it does is get smaller and the other part turns into ashes and dust.No I do not think trash is important because all it does is get in the way.

  12. Storm Says:

    I learned that not all trash can decomepose. You can recycle some kinds of trash but not all trash. You can make compost with dead leave green leaves maybe some fruit skin, dinner extras and the most special ingrediant, earth worms. I think trash is not good because one day when our children’s chilren’s children is alive there will be no space for it so the land will be so dirty. that is why recycling is imprtant.

  13. Aidan Says:

    I learned some things don’t decintagrate. Not even once. I don’t think trash is important because if people keep on making trash it will keep on filling up and up and up in till your house is full and the world.And trash kills are invierment and the animals.

  14. Cade Says:

    After I saw the movie about trash in Science, I learened that you can’t make something into nothing. I think that trash is important because there’s not a lot of space to put it. We need to recycle as much as we can. What we do with our trash is VERY important!

  15. TREVOR Says:

    I learend that if you have a peace of paper and it is 1 once when you burn it/it will be still 1 once. i hate trash it only makes a big mess

  16. Kuha'o Says:

    I learned that when you throw away your trash in the the trash can they take the trash to your landfill where you live.YES I think trash is important because if we didn’t have landfills where would are trash go?

  17. Isha Says:

    I leanend that composting is good for plants. I think trash is inportent because it helps plants when you compost it .and I also think that the good ingreedeint is worms I think to make it work I think the worms need to be slimey.

  18. Jireh Says:

    I learnd that trash is wounderfull to worms beacause worms like trash.I learnd that a plactice bag can live for 500,000 years. thats how long a plastik bag lives. trash is usually in the trash can but the trash goes into a land filed and it is where pepole tack there trash but you have to dig a big hole in the ground and then you put your trash in it and then you put on it more dirt and then you keep going and going until it is just like a mountin.

  19. Taylor Says:

    You know guys water is just as inportant as trash. we keep on useing up a lot of it I also know that an averege kid uses about 240 galons of water a day.

  20. Sarah Says:

    Take care of trash and pick up trash even thogh it is not yours just pick it up

  21. Sarah Says:

    Trash is important to me because if I make alot of trash every day that is good and I think bad.

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