Walking on Water with Sarah Hill

April 11th, 2011 by tinakamo

Wow! What a blessing it was for us to attend Friday’s chapel service with Sarah Hill as guest speaker.  She reminded us about Peter’s experience walking on water with Jesus in Matthew 14.  Sarah also talked about her friendship with Bethany Hamilton and the time she spent with Bethany in the hospital after Bethany was attacked by a shark and lost her arm.  Sarah even shared her own experiences with injury and disappointment.  What important messages did you receive that morning?  What connections did you make?

Posted in General Discussion | 37 Comments »

37 Responses

  1. Taylor Says:

    Well one of the conections that I made is that Peater and Beathany both were not scared to do somthing scarary and they over came there fears and do what they were afriad to do. Like how Beathany was not afraid to surf with one arm.

  2. Isha Says:

    I think the inportint messege was to dont stop just keep on going even thought you lost your arm or had an acciedent.My connections is that when I fell and got rely indured I siad to my sellf I just cant stop so I kept on going.

  3. Kuha'o Says:

    When Sarah hill was talking about Peter it made me think of when I first learned how to ride my bike I kept on trying until I knew how and I was afraid like when there was a big wave and Peter was afraid he was going to drown. I feel that one of the things is that nothing cannot make you stop loving god and that keep trying then you will become it and god always has a plan like when in the movie we watched Bethany Hamilton she said she didn’t know god’s plan that she was going to have a shark attack.

  4. Sarah Says:

    One of the important message Sarah Hill said from the bible was I think never be afraid like Peter and Bethany Hamilton they were both afraid. The first time I went to KEMPO KARATE I was afraid to train then once I got uset to it I wasnt nervos any more and not afraid any more. I LOVED CHAPLE ON FRIDAY IT WAS THE BEST. MEETING SARAH HILL THE BEST!

  5. Austin Says:

    I think that the main idea at Chapel was to keep on trying never stop.Like when I got pinched by a crab it never stoped me from going crab hunting that night, now I’m back to doing crab hunting.

  6. storm Says:

    My conection is that one time a thing similar to a mosquito bit me! It was green and red. Sometimes what someone in my family says when I fall or get hurt, he says “shake it of” thats what someone said. I think Sara Hill’s messages are to over come your fears and keep trying.

  7. TREVOR Says:

    never give up keep faith in god. bethany hamiton is an example of this because she was going to give up but she became close to god and tryed again and now she is the top 20 surfur in the whole world

  8. Kainani Says:

    The important message that I thought was the best to share on the blog was: If you don’t take your eyes off God, anything is possible. I think it means that if you obey God, He will put His faith in you and trust you. I don’t think I have any connections. Maybe one of my relatives has a connection. I should ask.

  9. Shayni Says:

    Keep on trying and not giving up. Bethany Hamilton still could surf with one arm. Always have faith inside of you. I kept on trying to train my dog Mojo and not giving up.

  10. Kamuela Says:

    I think that one of the big important messages are that even though you get hurt you should keep trying and that God always has a plan for you. My connection is that one time I was playing a game and I fell and my back really hurt but I still keep trying.

  11. Pono Says:

    I think that some of the important messages are: donʻt be scared because God always has a plan for you and what Kainani said, “If you donʻt take your eyes off God, anything is possible.” One of the connections I think is like when we were in guidance, Mr. Maeda was talking about consequences and I think one of the consequences is you canʻt do things that you can do if you keep your eyes on God.

  12. Aidan Says:

    the important message that if you take your eyes off God nothing is possible but if you put your eyes on God any thing is possible.If you obey God he will put his faith,trust,and all his gifts to you.My connection is i broke my arm and when my mom came home she was very worried about what happend to me.

  13. Jolie Says:

    The message that I learned is don’t have doubt in God but have faith in God. Peter had faith in God that he could walk on water but he had doubt that he was going to fall or sink. He took his eyes off God and he started sinking. He asked Jesus for help and Jesus pulled Peter up and said why did you take your eyes off me? We should have faith in God so he can help us and we can go to heaven and celebrate.

    The connection that I made was when I broke my wrist and I thought my cast was going to be on for a long time. I believed that God was going to heal my arm and he did! I try everyday not to take my eyes off of God.

  14. Cade Says:

    The important message that I received was that God has a plan for you and no matter what happens to you, you have to make the best of it.

    I had a connention. I have a fake tooth and even though I would like a real one I choose to like my fake tooth. I made the best of it.

  15. Joshua Says:

    I learned that always have faith in God and never give up. The first time I competed in a karate tornement, I was very nervous and I thought I was going to pee in my pants. I was a new yellow belt and had to compete against a green belt. I had faith in myself and never gave up.

  16. Trey Says:

    I think that the important messages that I received is to keep on trying and don’t give up. I learned that Sarah Hill went to the hospital to support Bethany Hamilton by being there to help and to talk with her. I also learned that Sarah Hill broke two of her bones. I can connect to Sarah Hill because I also broke two of the bones in my arm. They are called the Ulna and the Radius. I also had an aunt that spent some time in the hospital, our family would spend time with her offering her our prayers and support.

  17. Kana'i Says:

    If I were bethany and got my arm bit off by a… SHARK!! I would not want to go surfing still butt bethany she got her arm bit of from a shark and still wanted to go surfing because she believed in god.

  18. Pono Says:

    I think itʻs important to never give up too Trey, thanks for the important message!

  19. Kuha'o Says:


    Also I have a comment for you wow your church must teach you lots about god LOL hope you have fun at church if you have tonight Ha Ha Ha.

    hope you respond back.

  20. Trey Says:

    I agree with Kainani because if you don’t take your eyes of God anything is poisble. I also agree with Kainani because I also think that it means obey God and God will put his trust in you. Like when my mom puts her trust in me and when my dad puts his trust in me.

  21. Cade Says:

    Austin, I got bit by a huge crab to and I still crab hunt. Crab hunnting is so much fun. Just remember to belive in God and never give up.

  22. Kainani Says:

    Kuha’o and Jolie,
    You guys have AWESOME responses! They’ve gotten me thinking on what to write next…

  23. Kainani Says:

    You’re right, Cade. If you don’t stop believing in God, he might give you a reward!

  24. Joshua Says:

    In stead of I learned I meant to say the important thing is that to always have faith in god and never give up.

  25. Joshua Says:

    I agree with Kana’i because if I was Bethany I would not go surfing again.

  26. Storm Says:

    Dear Pono I agree with you on your big idea.

  27. TREVOR Says:

    austin is right to never give up because on christmas i was playing football and i had to go to the ER and i never gave up from football

  28. Sarah Says:

    I agree with you Kana’i I would not surf agin. I would not surf agin because a shark mite bite her arm agin.

    THANKS Kana’i 🙂

    ( about Beathony Hamilton)

  29. shayni Says:

    I am dancer and I am a new student.I do things wrong but I have faith in me I keep on trying and I never ever give up.

  30. shayni Says:

    That is right TREVOR never give up.

  31. Storm Says:

    Sara Hill said when Peter doubted jesus he stopped believing when I first heard that it reminded me of the song by Journey “don’t stop beliving”. I think the big idea is: If you keep your eyes on god anything is possible
    ‘:) but if you take your eyes off god your off track.:(

  32. Aidan Says:

    I agree Kamuela you should always keep trying no matter what happens to you or anything else like if you lose in a game.

  33. Jolie Says:

    Trevor: Why did you have to go to the ER?

    Kuha’o & Kainani: Thanks! I liked reading your comments too! I didn’t have church tonight. I had volleyball practice. I go to church on Sundays. Yes, I learn a lot there. 🙂

    I agree with you Cade – God has a plan for all of us.

  34. Kamuela Says:

    Kainani, I also agree with your comment cause I kinda think to that if you don’t take your eyes of God anything is possible.

  35. Austin Says:

    I agree with you Aidan you should never take your eyes off of God.

  36. Taylor Says:

    I leaned that you should bealeve in your self to like trust in your self and to also to not be scared and not onily to have trust in your self but have trust in god . you can alwas trust god he is alwas with us.

  37. ANDEE Says:

    I wonder how the shark mistake bit Bethany’s arm off?I learned that Petter was walking on water and he asked Jesus to walk on water and he looked down.

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