Money (posted by Cade)

March 4th, 2011 by tinakamo

What if you had one billion dollars?
What would you spend it on?  Be specific.

Posted in General Discussion, Mathematics | 21 Comments »

21 Responses

  1. Taylor Says:

    Wow One million dollers huh new shoes or mabe some new decorations for my room or Justin Beiber connsert tikets!

  2. Kainani Says:

    I would buy ALL the littlest pet shop toys ’cause I LOVE littlest pet shop!

  3. Cade Says:

    I would buy all the D.S games because I love them, there so awesome. And I would buy every single toy in the world because there so adicting.

  4. Taylor Says:

    Wow Kainani that whoud be cool to have all of the littlest pet shop toys and dolls in the world!

  5. Isha Says:

    One million dollers. hmmmm. I would spend some money on bayblades and some to donnate and the rest for me. I would not spend money for things that you want like to many toys or shopeing for dimonds. I would just save the rest for importent things and some times fun stuff but not alot of fun stuff because what happens if your shoes are ripped but you wasted your money on dimonds, what would you do and you have no slippers.

  6. Kuha'o Says:

    I would buy new sandals, new dresses, new clothes, some new chapter books and a DS a DSi and a DSi XL. I would be playing it everyday.

  7. Kana'i Says:

    WHOW! one million dollars! I wold by 500 beyblades and 500 more beyblades because they are awesome.

  8. TREVOR Says:

    I would by 100000 blayblades and 100 footballs andf a baksketball witha basket ball net and by a airplane and a pool and a house.

  9. storm Says:

    I would spend it on food like vegeables, fruits, some meat like chicken and beef. Or some CHEESE(I LOVE CHEESE) like cheddar, mozzarella and provalone. I would also help my grandma, grandpa and my mom to pay for the house because I live in this house and I use water and electricity. I would also buy new things for my room because its getting too babyish for me. The stuff that I think is to babyish for me I will give it to Good Will.

  10. Pono Says:

    Oh, my, gosh, I HAVE 1 BILLION DOLLARS! I would donate 1/64 of my money to charity then I would spend keep the left-overs for new coo-looking things then when I have enough cool things I’d use the last of my money for college.☮☯☺

  11. Trey Says:

    If I had one billion dollers I would spend it on a DSi Pokemon black and pokemon white and a Xbox360. And the rest of my money I would buy food so me and my brothers and my parents can servive. And I would buyvideo games for my family to. AndI would also get a Iphone4 for my each perseon in my family. And I would buy a awesome computer just for me and I would get a computer for everyone that lives in my house.

  12. Austin Says:

    I would buy all the Beyblades in the would.Because the Beys are so fun I would verse my brother and I think I would always win because I could always keep changing my Beys.I would also use the money for food,chothes.

  13. Aidan Says:

    If i had a billion dollars i would spend it on beyblades and the new 3-D DS because their my favorite things in the hole universe!I want the 3-D DS because its cool to me and you dont have to use glasses.

  14. Shayni Says:

    If I had one million dollars I will buy a horse, candy, clothes, pets, books and shoes. I will be really rich and really happy if I had one million dollars. I will also get a new house when
    I spend the money.

  15. Sarah Says:

    Hmmm if I had 1 Billon dollars I would be happy because 1 you have alot money and 2 because you can buy lots of stuff but not 2 much. I would spend half of my money 2 buy a CELL PHONE and the other half I would save it for when I grow up 2 buy my kids stuff.

    I loved your blog post Cade! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
    bye cade
    Mahalo,SARAH 🙂

  16. Jolie Says:

    If I had one billion dollars I would buy a big house for all my family to live in. I would use the money to create a machine to clean the house up. I would visit my uncle in Las Vegas and my other uncle in San Francisco. I would save money for college so my mom and dad wouldn’t have to make money for me. I would make my brother a separate room that has lots and lots of toys so he can have fun and play.

  17. Joshua Says:

    If I did have one billion dollars, I would save the money for my college. Also for my food for college my cloths for college. And I would get my family things if they need some thing.

  18. Trey Says:

    I agree with Sarah. Because I would be happy to if I had one billon dollers. And I would use half of my money to buy a phone to and I would use the other half of my money to buy kids stuff to.

  19. Kainani Says:

    I would spend my money on kids with cancer ’cause my friend Haily has cancer. BOO-HOO! 🙁 🙁 🙁

  20. Taylor Says:

    I think that all the people had diferent ansers to this blog post because of there intrest and identity.

  21. shayni Says:

    WOW that will be cool kanai if you had 100 blayblades that is awsome.

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