Animals! (posted by Shayni)

March 2nd, 2011 by tinakamo

What is your favorite animal? Why do you like that animal?  What does that animal do?  Do you think that animal is important?  Why?

Posted in General Discussion, Science, ‘Ohana | 19 Comments »

19 Responses

  1. kuhao Says:

    My favorite animal is a tiger because it is fast.Why I like it is because my favorite second color is orange. The animal runs and eats. yes that animal is important because it can run fast.

  2. Sarah Says:

    My fraviote animal is a Honu. I like it because it swims and I get to see honus at the beach. Sleep, eat and swim. Yes they are important. Because if there was no honu’s people could not watch them swim.

    Bye Shayni

  3. Trey Says:

    My favorite animal is a siberian huske because they lives in the snow. I think animals are important because if animals aren’t important then you wouldn’t have a pet to pertect you from the bad guys.

  4. Joshua Says:

    My favorite animal is a pterosaur. That is a flying dinosaur. The thing that I like about pterosaurs is that they could fly and they can pick things up. The things that they do is eat,sleep and fly. No I do not think that pterosaurs are important. I do not think they are important because they only fly,eat and sleep and I forgot they attak.

  5. Taylor Says:

    My favorite animal is a panda because they are cute
    well wale they are babies. Pandas are endangered animals. panda just make me happy.

  6. Joile Says:

    My favorite animal is a giraffe. My favorite animal is a giraffe because my neck is long like a giraffe`s but not as long!
    A giraffe eats leaves on a tree. I think it sleeps standing up. I think giraffes are important because they are tall and you can go on their backs and see far.

  7. shayni Says:

    I like dogs and horses because there fast, cute, and also awesome! Horses are important because there strong, they run, and they make good pets. Dogs are important because dogs sometimes protect there owners and they guide the blind people.

  8. Storm Says:

    My puppy Sprinkles. I like her because she’s sweet and nice but sometimes she nibbles me and she’s not too mellow. She eat`s, sleep`s, plays (she is not potty trained) so she pees and poops all over in my house. I think she is important because she is one of the nicest dogs I have ever met and I think she is special.

  9. Austin Says:

    My favorite animal is the lion.I like them because they have sharp teeth and because they are fast.I don’t think these animals are important.

  10. Isha Says:

    My favorit animal is a horse .I like horses because you get to ride on them.Horses can jump run fast and they have good eye sight and they are smart.Onother thing why I like horses is because there cuddly. :). I think horses are inportint because you get to ride them for fun and somtimes they were inportent in the old days in texsas because they did not have cars so they ride horses. I wonder if I get one horse and might ride him or / her in my naberhood and have fun with the horse 🙂 . I also wonder if shayni is going to ride her horse around her nabarhood.

  11. Cade Says:

    My favorite animal are horses because they can take you places for free because cars use gas to go places, and it cost money. I think that horses are important because they are fast and they are fun to ride and hard workers.

  12. Kainani Says:

    My favorite animal is a cat ’cause it’s SO cute and so FURRY!!! 😀 This animal can do tricks if you can tame it to. When it’s happy,it purrs. I think they are important ’cause they soften people’s mood’s. Well,at least that’s what I think.

  13. Kainani Says:

    The cat I am talking about is my kitten Jezebel (a.k.a. Jezy-wezy). Even though I found her in the wild,she is SUPER tame. She knows how to jump,and eat food from your finger.

  14. Kainani Says:

    The bad habit Jezebel has is that she always pees in my grandma’s house. It is weird and disgusting (She isn’t potty trained like Sprinkles,Storm’s dog).

  15. Aidan Says:

    My favorite animal is a pig.I like pigs because they oink,roll in mud,and their cute.I think pig are important because their mushy and in the old days i think they yoused the pigs fart to power stuf.

  16. Pono Says:

    My favorite animals are pokemon and dogs. I like pokemon because they have extreme powers and I like dogs because they are fun to play with and fun to train and they are good at running. Pokemon battle each other and dogs run around, chase their tail, and like to be scratched. []>_<[]

  17. Kamuela Says:

    My favorite animal is a Saber tooth because it has cool sharp teeth and I think Tigers are cool and a saber tooth’s looks just like a Tiger.A Saber tooth is a meat eater so it eats meat.I don’t think a saber tooth is that important because if there were still Saber tooth’s here I think all we would be doing would be protecting our self’s from it.

  18. Kana'i Says:

    I like deer’s because they are STRONG! the deer eats sleeps and sum times fight.I think a deer is important to me because I am making a deer in art and it is turning out GOOD!

  19. TREVOR Says:

    My favorite animal is a SHARK
    becacause they are fast swimmers and they have sharp teeth and big teeth and i like sea cretures like fish.
    animals are not inportant to me

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