What’cha Favorite Sport (posted by Trey)

February 28th, 2011 by tinakamo

Do you play sports? If you do, what sport do you play and what do you like about it? And the people who don’t play sports what sport would you play if you could? You can choose any sport you can think of. Why do you like it? And the people who don’t like sports, what don’t you like about it? Please answer all the questions.

Posted in General Discussion, Health | 22 Comments »

22 Responses

  1. Shayni Says:

    I played soccer for 2 seasons.I like playing soccer because you serve the socerball and be the goaly. I get more points by hitting the socerball in my goal.

  2. Trey Says:

    I like playing basketball because I like to shoot the ball and be the point guard. And I also like snowboarding because I like doing tricks and I like to jump while I’m going down the hill. I also like tennis because I like to swing the tennis racket. I also like soccer because I like to throw the ball. I also like baseball because I like to be the pitcher and I like to throw the ball fast.

  3. ANDEE Says:

    I like playing basketball because when i shoot the ball in the hoop you get point’s you even run and when you are tall you can slamdounck the ball in the basketallhoop.

  4. ANDEE Says:

    Trey why do you like to play those three sport’s.

  5. Austin Says:

    I play soccer and baseball.What I like about soccer is that when you get the ball you get to kick the ball very hard.What I like about baseball is that I mostly get put into good positions.That’s why I like sports.

  6. ANDEE Says:

    Shayni are you very very good at playing soccer

  7. Sarah Says:

    Yes I do a sport.I play kenpo karate. I like on Sundays when only me gets to watch people spar. Because I do not want to spar cause I might get hurt.

    Thank you Trey for a awesome post I loved 🙂 it.

  8. Taylor Says:

    Well I play soccer,tenece and basket ball. I play soccer on a team and tenece and basket ball for fun. I think that sports are fun no matter what sport you play. I like these sports because I have fun playing.

  9. Kainani Says:

    My favorite sport is tae kwon do ’cause it’s mind challenging and teaches you Korean. 😀

  10. Storm Says:

    I don`t play sports but if I could I would swim for my favorite sport. I like swimming because it is fun to do the only thing I don`t like about it is holding your breath.

  11. Storm Says:

    Austin what is your favorite position in baseball?

  12. Cade Says:

    I like basketball because you can fake people out and then drive in. I also like football because I like throwing the football far to my teammates and then they make a tuchdown. I also like baseball because I can hit the ball out and then I make a home run. I also like soccer because I can kick the ball really hard and score goals

  13. Kamuela Says:

    I don’t play sports but at school and at my house sometimes I play basketball.I like basketball cause I like dribbling and shooting the ball into the net.If I could play sports I would play basketball.I like sport’s cause it’s fun and you get exersise.What I don’t like about basketball is that you get hot and sweaty.

  14. Pono Says:

    I play sports and my favorite sport is Baseball like Austin. I had a Baseball game today at 4:30 against the Blue Jays. I got the game ball because I was diving for the ball, and making great efforts to catch the line drives and the pop flies. I like Baseball because it keeps you active and it’s fun to play.
    ♜♞♝♚♛♝♞♜⟵does chess count?

  15. TREVOR Says:

    I like to play BASKETBALL and FOOTBALL I like BASKETBALL because you can shoot the BASKETBALL. I like FOOTBALL because you can cathc the FOOTBALL and you can THROW the FOOTBALL

  16. Kuha'o Says:

    I play soccer this is my second season playing soccer. What I like about soccer is that when we have games I like to be goalie cause you get to kick the ball away so the other team doesn’t score. And sometimes I play football with my friends and my cousins. I think soccer is the best sport because you have to work as a team.

  17. Kana'i Says:

    I think that the favorite that i like to watch is basketball.i also wonder if i can be a famouse basketball player. sometimes i dont like to watch girl basketball because i think that it is kind of weird because when do girls play basketball?

  18. Jolie Says:

    I play volleyball and I swim. I like volleyball because I love to bump and underhand serve. I’m still working on volleying. Last summer was my first time playing volleyball and it was fun! It was hard sometimes but I like it. I love to swim! I love backstroke, streamline, froggy legs and pizza slices. I would like to try karate like my Aunty Barb.

  19. Aidan Says:

    I play baseball. I am starting a new season of baseball peewee.I like baseball because you have a chance to hit the ball, catch it,and run the bases.My favorite position in baseball is 1st base and pitcher.

  20. Isha Says:

    I play sports.I play softball and soccer and gymnastics.What I like about gymnastics is that you can get flexsebal.And I like softball because I get to pitch sometimes.I like to play soccer because when you get the soccer ball inside the net you get a point and you team will give you a hifive 🙂 I like doing soccer and gymnastics and soft ball.I would like to do gymnastics because I want to do tricks and and be like an acrobat :).

  21. Joshua Says:

    I used to play a sport. it was soccer. The thing that I liked about soccer is that you can only hit the ball with your feet and there are goals. Its just like basketball but you use your feet.

  22. jireh Says:

    My favorit sport is soccer and baskitball. thouse are my favorit thing because they taech me how to do it. my baskitball name is lions because my dad always says that the lions are safe. soccer is differint because you kick the ball. this all means to me having fun and doing exercise.

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