Recess (posted by Aidan)

February 22nd, 2011 by tinakamo

What do you do at recess; 4 square, tetherball, basketball or just something else? Tell me why and what you do.

Posted in General Discussion, ‘Ohana | 20 Comments »

20 Responses

  1. Kuha'o Says:

    At recess I like to play teatherball and four square I play it because it is fun and the rules are safe. Or sometimes I go to the library to read or practice typing I do it so I can get better and better at it.

  2. Trey Says:

    At recess I play four square because you get to run in the game and you get to trick people.I also like the game because you can touch really soft and not get out.

  3. Sarah Says:

    At Recess I play Jump Rope,Tether Ball, and ( Four square sometimes). I play Jump Rope because it makes your body strong and the more you Jump Rope the more you get better at it.I play 4 square because I’m not that good at it and if I keep on trying I will get good at it.I play tether Ball because its fun and because I want to play Diffrent stuff at Recess.

  4. AnDee Says:

    At recess I like to play four square because you try to get the other person out to get closer to ace. You have to play by the rules like no passing the white line and no calling other peopole out. Four square is really fun.

  5. Jolie Says:

    When I go to recess and play I jump rope,play tether ball,or go to the library and read.I do this because I like to jump rope,play tether ball,and LOVE 🙂 to READ :).

  6. Kahiehie Says:

    At recess I like to play tether ball because we have 1 minute to play and we got to follow the rules and the rules are:no turning the timer around when people is unraveling ball.And I like to play four square because I like to get aces.

  7. Joshua Says:

    At recess I play 4 sqaure. I play 4 sqaure because it is fun. It is simple all you have to do is hit it into another persons sqaure with you hands but if you hit it into your sqaure or if you miss or if you hit it on the white line or you hit it out you are out. But if there is no line you get to go in the sqaure that is the right of the servers sqaure if you are looking this way>. And if you hit it with out the ball going in your sqaure you are also out. Also white line is out and blue is not out it is in. Also if it hits in someone elses sqaure and they never got to hit it and another person hits it that person that hit it is out. Also if some thing comes and you could not hit it then and then you do it again and no body is out. And if you hit it wath another body part you are out. Also if you hold it for two or more secnds you are out. And you have to get people out to get to the server sqaure. Also you can not volley it what I mean is when you get ready to hit you can not put your hands together and hit it. And you put your hands beside each other in front of you.But if its to far in your sqaure you can use one hand and streach to hit it.

  8. taylor Says:

    Well I do a lot of things at recess like going the librarry or ,playing tag with Aidan and Storm. I like those things because I have fun doing it.

  9. Austin Says:

    I like to play four square I play it because you can’t get hurt.I think it is fun and I think it is fair.But sometimes I get mad because I get out but I think it is still fun.But I still like to play different things at recess.But if somebody gets you out you should just get them back.

  10. Isha Says:

    My favorit reccess subgect is tether ball and four square because I like to hit the ball hard and make a score by makeing it go aruond in tether ball. And in four sqare I like to hit the ball to get the pepole out and anothere reson is I like to do tricks and thats my favorit part in four square 🙂

  11. Shayni Says:

    My favorite recess activity is tether ball, four square, volleyball, and basketball. The one I like the most is four square because it’s fun and it makes you more stronger. It makes you stronger because you have to stand up and move and hit the ball fast.

  12. Storm Says:

    At recess I play tetherball because I`m not so good at it and it`s new so I practice it.

  13. TREVOR Says:

    My favorite thing to do at recess is to play basketball because my brother Tanner played for the Kamehameha warriors in fourth grade and i want to play on the team too. i like basketball because i get to play SCHOOL and HORSE and NOCK OUT with cade and kamuela.

  14. Pono Says:

    My favorite recess activity is pretty much everything because I like to have fun and all of the activities are fun. I also play them because you don’t get hurt unless you don’t follow the rules, and sometimes you are treated unfairly and the teachers or you have to figure out how to make it fair. Common options: undo, rock, paper, scissors or for four square you could just call yourself out. q:)

  15. Cade Says:

    I play basketball at recess because I want to get better at it. It is fun to play basketball. The best thing about basketball is shooting the ball, it helps your hand to get stronger. Basketball is my favorite sport.

  16. Kamuela Says:

    At recess I play basketball or tetherball.I play basketball cause it’s my favorite sport and I play tetherball cause it’s a fun game to play and cause it help’s my hand get stronger for basketball.

  17. Kainani Says:

    My favorite thing to do at recess is 4 Square ’cause you can learn from your mistakes. For example-
    The first time I ever played 4 Square I was ace and served to jack when I wasn’t supposed to. I definitely learned from THAT experience! 😀

  18. Kana'i Says:

    I like 4 square and BASKETBALL. 4 square helps my hand so then i can get better at basketball pluse i can shoot from a 30 pointer in basketball it is fun playing recces in school.

  19. Aidan Says:

    I play 4sqare because its fun. You get to hit the ball, and you get people out. I play 4sqare because its like my favorite thing to do. The girls yous to chase us but now we dont do it.

  20. Trey Says:

    I agree with Austin because you can’t get hurt in four square. And the rules are fair and sometimes I get mad to because I get out. I also agree with Austin that four square is fun.

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