Got Books?

October 14th, 2010 by tinakamo

What a fabulous book fair we attended today!  There were so many wonderful books to choose from!  How do you select the books you buy at the book fair or the books you borrow from the Hi’ilei Media Center?  What kinds of things do you consider?  Why?  Can you provide an example?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 22 Comments »

22 Responses

  1. Kainani Says:

    I choose books by their title,if it seems interesting.For example,the Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure book seemed interesting.

  2. Kuha'o Says:

    This is how i found this book is i looked at a couple of pictures and it seemed interesting and the name of this book was I’M NOT A SUPERMOUSE.

  3. Trevor Says:

    this is how I chose a book. from the picture because it might be funny and the title and how much dollars it is. I like sports and I chose it.

  4. shayni Says:

    At the book fair I really had a wonderful time I picked the book that are just right books not to easy or not to hard. And I piked nintendo do you know your dog?and maxed out they were cool to I also love reading.

  5. Storm Says:

    I use the cover to select my book.If the tittle sounds exsiting I read a little of the book but if the tittle is boring I just put the book back.

  6. Trey Says:

    I look at the pictures in side the book and see if the pictures look cool.And I look if the titel looks intersting.

  7. Taylor Says:

    hi my name is taylor and I chose a book by reading the first cuple of sentenses.

  8. Storm Says:

    I try not to get to hard or to easy books I try to get books that are just right.I don`t like books that are to long,somtimes I flip throgh the pages to see if it to long I put it back I don`t like to get books becouse I might not finish the book on time to finish it.Some of my favorite books are Skippy Jon Jones,Shark books,the Secret of Zoom.

  9. Austin Says:

    The first thing that I look at is the picture on the cover.I look for intresting pictures on the cover.Then I read the back of the book to see what the book is about.I bought the book, The BATTLE OF THE RED HOT PEPPER WEENIES.

  10. Cade Says:

    At the book fair this is how I got my books. First, I looked around the room and tried to look for an interesting cover. Second, I looked inside the book and read the first couple of sentences. Then, if I found it to be interesting, I bought it.

    An example of this is my “Super Incredible Knock-Knock Jokes” book. The cover of the book was colorful. I liked the picture on the cover. And when I read it from the beginning it was good. So I bought it.

  11. Jolie Says:

    When I select books I look at the title and I read the first few sentences or the first chapter’s title. I also look at the back to see if there is a summary of the book. If it seems interesting I think about getting it. If I am at the Book Fair I look at the price to make sure I have enough money to buy it.

    I like when there are colorful pictures to look at like the Skippyjon Jones books. Skippyjon Jones books have neat pictures and it’s pretty funny too! I would also choose it if it seems like I would make a connection with it. Like with the Ramona books I can connect with it because she’s a girl and she’s around the same age as me. She also has short hair like me.

    I also like joke books because they’re funny…sometimes.

  12. Pono Says:

    Today Iʻm blogging about how I buy books. I buy books by looking at the title,an the I look at the title page, an then if I think itʻs interesting I read about it on the back of the book and if thatʻs interesting I buy the book.

  13. Aidan Says:

    I chose specific books because I look at the cover and it looks interesting.

  14. Sarah Says:

    I look throgh book’s to see if I like the book but if I don’t like the book I don’t by it or check the book out from the libaray.

  15. Kamuela Says:

    I would get books that have a interesting title and a interesting picture , I would look in the book and see if it interests me and I would get a book that I know about like Diary of a Wimpy kid.

  16. kana`i Says:

    First I choose my book by looking for action on the cover. Then I flip through the pages and if I like what I read then I might get it.

  17. Joshua Says:

    This is how I chose the books. I bought a new Geronimo Stilton book I looked at the cover and it looked interesting and I want more because I would like the whole series.

  18. Kahiehienuikumahilani Says:

    The way I chose my books is looking in the back of the book and reading it.

  19. Kahiehienuikumahilani Says:

    I look in the back and I look at the price and it was the same price.

  20. jireh Says:

    I like books becas theres advenchurs and misterries like majic tree house and sciens tos and I like magic tree house becase there is alot of misterries

  21. Jireh Says:

    I choose a book from the person who root the book like Kevin Henkes books. I like his books because his are interesting. you can see what the story is about and at the book fair I choose a book from the tv and one from a movie and it is Bell and Swet Life and Zack.

  22. Trey Says:


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