Bishop Museum Huaka’i

September 27th, 2010 by tinakamo

Wow!  What a day!  We experienced so many things today at the Bishop Museum.  What do remember that you think is important?  What do you wonder about?  Why do you think it was an important huaka’i for us?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 35 Comments »

35 Responses

  1. Pono Says:

    Aloha kakou,
    I’m back! This time I’m blogging about our Bishop Museum field trip that we went to today. The first thing we did at our field trip is that we went to the Hawaiian Hall. Auntie Lokomaika’i talked about the different types of the wa’a and i’a. Second we ate in the back of the museum. Third we went to the new garden. Fourth we went back to the Hawaiian Hall’s second floor. Sorry I think I forgot to tell you the first time we were in the hall we were on the first floor. Back to the subject. On the second floor we talked about the different moon faces and what they were used for, weapons, fishing and planting. Then we left.

  2. Kainani Says:

    I learned that the hawaiians used stone clubs and spears in wars.

  3. Kainani Says:

    The moon taught us when we could garden,and fish.

  4. Storm Says:

    I relly liked this huakai`i my favorite part was learnig more about the hawaiian coulture.I want to learn much more about the hawaiian coulture I love to go to the bishop museum.I can`t wait to go aign.I woder who made the bishop museum?

  5. Storm Says:

    when are we going aign thes year?

  6. Storm Says:

    thats what my group used!!!

  7. Taylor Says:

    My favorite part of the feld trip was going in to the planatarium. And seeing the bear, swan, Oroin and the princiss. My favorite one was the swan.

  8. Kuha'o Says:

    I learned that you can make pictures using the stars like a baseball or a baseball field.

  9. Cade Says:

    I learned that the ancient hawaiians used the birds and the waves to sail to Hawaii. My favorite part was when I got to see all the different kinds of fish hooks that they have.

  10. shayni Says:

    At the bishop musuem we had 3 papper sheets to tell what we saw,learned,and draw a picture of it diffrint parts of it what it looks like were we touch evrything expect the glass because we can make hand prints foot prints we learned all kinds of diffrent things on this field trip o and on the work sheets we had great ideas and great pictures and really really good good thinking we had a really great time.

  11. Trevor Says:

    I ike the star place because it had lot of ptctures like madusa eyes and the big bear and the bird I wonder if stars mean stuff.

  12. Trey Says:

    I wonder whats in side the black hole do you wonder whats in the black hole.

  13. Sarah Says:

    Mrs. Nakamoto and the 2nd grade teacher’s Do you gise no the next time we are going to the Bishop Museum?

  14. Trey Says:

    I wonder why thay call it the evil eye. And I also wonder how the stars made the pictures in the sky.

  15. Trey Says:

    I learned that Pele had one sister and one brother and her sister did’t like her and her brother love.

  16. Storm Says:

    I wonder that to Trey!!!

  17. Kamuela Says:

    I wonder how old the Hawaiian capes are?

  18. Austin Says:

    It was so cool how we got to see the inside of the whale and I also liked seeing the phases of the moon.

  19. Aidan Says:

    I liked when we were in the planeterium because we got to see pictures of the scorpion, poseidon, and the black hole.

  20. Trey Says:

    I learned that people used to trade for our stones because they were good for fighting and they were strong stones.

  21. Isha Says:

    I learned that the dig part is about we look at our activitise and we look at the binder to see what our activitise were use for like our activites was fishing tools and one of them was called a loaf of bread and it helps the hawaiins to fish because it helps it sink.Our other activitise were a taco catcher and the hawaiians use it to like when they put it in the water the taco gets atracted to the shell then it bites it then they relle it in.I wonder if they relle it in fast becuse they might let go.
    I notice that the tools were like the old tesstimint was like the hawaiians use the things that they found and the new tesstimint is like they buy it from a tool store.

  22. Joshua Says:

    If you get to close to a black hole, would you get sucked in? How did the stars, moon,weather and waves help the ancient Hawaiians navigate?

  23. kahiehienuikumahilani Says:

    We had so much fun at the Bishop Mueseum. We learnd about the differant kinds of wa’a it was so fun we had to write about them too. We went to the planetarium and seen all the stars. There also had a black hole.

  24. Jolie Says:

    An important thing I learned was how our ancestors travelled in the ancient times. They rode in the wa’a. They used hoku, the waves, the moon, the wind and the fish to guide their way (navigation).

    I wonder why the moon changes.

    It was an important huaka’i for us to learn about Hawaii and our ancestors. It was also important to learn about Princess Pauahi.

    Thanks for a good field trip!

  25. KANA'I Says:

    i learned at the planetarium that theres such thing as the devils eye and the devils is medusas head and every 3 days it winks at you at night.

  26. jireh Says:

    At the Planetarium it was cool because they showed the stars. I wanted to try to find a picture in the sky once, but I didn’t find one. I wonder how they come like a picture?

  27. shaynI Says:

    I thoght of that to storm!!!!!!

  28. taylor Says:

    In my group our site was is munakea hawai we had koi. Its smoth and flat. It was used to make axes. I wonder what they used the axes for.

  29. cade Says:

    I wonder what are ancestor’s names are? Do you wonder how the earth moves?

  30. Trey Says:

    I learned that there is a cloth that is 100 years old and it came from Englen.

  31. Isha Says:

    At the bishop Museum we learn about the moon and it said some moons are good to fish and plant and some are not good to plant and go fishing.we learn that if you get too cloes to a black hole you will get pull in.

  32. aidan Says:

    I liked when I was the hawaiian hall because I got to see the fish hooks.

  33. Sarah Says:

    The Feild Trip was wereee fun at the end when we did the archeology dig and I was alittil bit scard in the planitearyom.

  34. kahiehie Says:

    mom helps me do my homework.My dad helps me do my make a dolphin with paper and he writes nice.My sister helps me spell.My cousin says no if he/she canonot do.A cop helps me know wheres my parents.someone who helps me.techers helps me catch up.firefghiter helps me because I call 911 there adress and where you live.Firends helps you and keeps secrets.

  35. Jireh Says:

    The museum was good beacas i wounder how they got the metal to make the tiki and i wounder how much days it takes to make the canoe.

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