Secret of Zoom

September 1st, 2010 by tinakamo

If anyone had peeked into our room over the last couple of weeks they’d have heard us asking:  “What will happen to Christina and Taft?  What is going on at the orphanage?  Will Christina ever get to experience the world outside?  Where does the secret tunnel lead?”

So many questions!  Lynne Jonell has us wrapped up in an exciting story that keeps us reading and thinking.  Share your thoughts about the story. What connections have you made?  What can you infer?  What do you wonder about?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 63 Comments »

63 Responses

  1. Kamuela Says:

    Dear Lynn Jonnell,
    I really like the books that you make I think there really awesome! and how you did come up
    with a book like that?


  2. Joshua Says:

    My favorite book is Captain Under pants by Dav Pilkey because it has lot’s of adventure and it’s also very funny. I found it funny how Gorge and Harold write silly comics, how they trick people and how they hypnotized the principal of their school.

  3. Taylor Says:

    Why would Danny have glass in his pocket?

  4. Taylor Says:

    I think the stone in her moms ring is a zoom stone!!! But I dont realy know what a zoom stone is ?

  5. Taylor Says:

    I think the note that her mom rote said Cristina,Adnoid HELP I am traped in a cave!

  6. KANA'I Says:

    I wonder if the rock that was in Cristinas pocket was the zoom stone?

  7. Taylor Says:

    I wonder whats on the other side of the wall? I think her mom is traped on the other side of the wall.

  8. Kainani Says:

    I thought the same as you!But if the mother was trapped in there, how will Christina get her mom out?And how did her mom send the test tube?I really wonder about that.But what REALLY lies behind the rockslide?I like wonderings. (P.S. Will the plane work?)

  9. Pono Says:

    Today Iʻm blogging about Secret Of Zoom. I inffer that the purple plane they found can fly because the cover is a purple flying plain.

  10. Jolie Says:

    I wonder if Chirstina’s mom is on the other side of the tunnel? I wonder if Taft and Christina are ever going
    to find Christina’s mom?

  11. Storm Says:

    I wonder whats going to happen next?(I really whant to know whats going to happen next) mayby the voice that Christina and Taft were hearing but before I thought Christina,s mom was the voice maybe I`m right.

  12. Storm Says:

    ahaha I`m going crazy to know whats going to happen next.When can we read the Seceret of Zoom?

  13. Taylor Says:

    Wow there is a lot to say so first off Lenny Lomscy took Cristina’s dad to jail and he called hin a big chunk of balonie. Here is the best part Cristina found her mom and Leo Lumskey but he is losing his memories.

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